Why wasn't Trump JFK'd successfully?
He sold a lot of weapon systems to make the Abraham Accords happen. Instead of small arms, he sold complex weapons infrastructure. The MIC profited greatly.
COVID hits and Trump warp speeds the experimental mRNA pharmaceutical products-- a deal with pharma.
Trump traded and positioned himself to be in long-term opposition, but to give the profiteers short-term gain.
By sticking with Mccarthy now, he is continuing his deals, or at least the optics.
Who knows. Maybe on the 17th vote, Trump wins? 😄
All part of the show
Trump isn't winning, he is removing USA as the military hegemony that preserves trade route primacy. Ultimate long term goal I see is hemispheric power structures that balance each other via trade and equivalent tech. It's beautiful to me, his idea
Great. Good for you.