88 Someone was speaking into the earpiece of the House Clerk, to tell her what to say ... listen closely at 0:17 seconds in (media.gab.com) posted 2 years ago by MAG768720 2 years ago by MAG768720 +89 / -1 Your browser does not support videos. 18 comments share 18 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Hmm. Interesting. I can hear that. But now we're not sure if that's normal. But very interesting. We need someone with knowledge to elaborate please
Also, it's possible someone faked it.
But I never thought this lady really knew what she was doing, so makes sense she would have an earpiece.
Maybe someone can identify pics of both ears to confirm or refute.
No it was live. Many times. He’s been doing it every day. An anon here wrote a post on the guy Jason smith maybe? Parliamentarian? Will try and find it. Here it is https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZqYvNNeJ/anyone-else-catch-the-blooper-du/