Cates is right. Everyone in the "black hats are taking Biden out" camp aren't thinking this through. If it was the why not get him to step aside cleanly and quietly, like Pope Benedict XVI. Why so messy, with a huge scandal, like this? I agree, from the beginning, this reeks like a white hat op!

Gotta have an open mind. Who says they didn't try previously? And who knows if Biden's response was "Expose me---and I'll expose you!" So, Plan B. No dire exposure, but enough to put him away. The fact that it is his staff who is bringing this to light must puzzle the Dickens out of him.
Nah, he can't blackmail them. They re all equally dirty.
If they want him gone all they gotta do is let him die in his sleep Scalia style and cover it up. That begs the question, why havent they?
Answer: they are not in control of shit. White hats are.
All the evil shit they try to do? Not even getting it done. It's all media whipped to get the normies all fiddle fucked In their heads.
Take your Q's from Trump. The coolest cat in the litter box called the United States.
Stay cool.