Cates is right. Everyone in the "black hats are taking Biden out" camp aren't thinking this through. If it was the why not get him to step aside cleanly and quietly, like Pope Benedict XVI. Why so messy, with a huge scandal, like this? I agree, from the beginning, this reeks like a white hat op!

Yeah, this whole affair does seem to be "off". Gropey Joe could just as easily and quietly resign for "health reasons". If Gropey's handlers wanted him gone there are just so many other ways they could get rid of him with no scandal or fuss. Same with SBF/FTX money laundering. There is no way in hell the bad guys would want that to come out in the open.
Are they just preemptively airing the dirty laundry ahead of time knowing it will break at some point anyway? And why the "classified documents" bit? They look stupid since they attacked Trump over it already.