Is homosexuality caused by behavior changing parasites? 4Chan could be up to something
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Right !!! you’re the first person who’s agreed with me , I’ve been saying it for years !
Well I certainly don't buy into the nonsense that people are born that way and I am of the belief that it has to be coming from something in our food supply, vaccines, our medicines, brainwashing by Hollywood. Who knows for sure, I know it isn't normal. Vaccines could definitely be part of it.
I think it has more to do with the heavy metals in the vaccines especially mercury. There was a study where birds were given mercury and the make birds started nesting with other male birds.
One article here
Very interesting.
Yes , think about it has to be in the vaccines ,, yes the brainwashing is like water on the seed ! Stuff in our food yes but I would think injected in the cells of our bodies is stronger way , there is no way ,,, over the past 10 or 15 years the appearance of kids has changed , Some girls really look like boys and boys look like girls how did that happen ! That’s DNA they changed it with the jab ,, these people need to swing. Seriously !
We have new employees who are college graduates that look like they should be starting high school.
Ok, so I’m not just getting old. They are looking younger/under-matured