"there's a fuckton of evidence for it. I don't have time to share any of it but watch these hour long videos of confident pseudoscience on YouTube."
A rocket doing a yoyo despin is not evidence, a blurry out of focus video of stars on a very specific webcam is not evidence, and if they already don't understand what "perspective" means then them rambling for an hour about how the sun never sets won't make them magically understand it now.
"there's a fuckton of evidence for it. I don't have time to share any of it but watch these hour long videos of confident pseudoscience on YouTube."
A rocket doing a yoyo despin is not evidence, a blurry out of focus video of stars on a very specific webcam is not evidence, and if they already don't understand what "perspective" means then them rambling for an hour about how the sun never sets won't make them magically understand it now.