posted ago by ThisIsHowItStarts ago by ThisIsHowItStarts +23 / -2

I posted this as a reply to another thread, but I wanted to make an original post regarding this topic. Please discuss.

Are you RH-negative - blood type

Congrats, you cannot be cloned.

I wonder if this is why people are dying from the vax? They are trying to implement transHumanism - and perhaps people who have RH-negative blood would automatically start the process of purging the foreign object from the body - kind of like a woman who is pregnant that has Rh negative blood, will try to abort the baby naturally via a miscarriage. They have a shot now that women can take, that will keep the body from doing that.

But on the other hand, maybe it’s the opposite. Isn’t it always about blood lines? Does the the Illuminati and the Cabal want to do away with anybody who does not have Rh negative blood?


Just a thought that crossed my mind. What do people think about this theory?