I have no source except a personal one. My primary physician was noticing that more than the usual, cases of vascular dementia are coming through their office.
My neurologist said something similar to me - that his patients with dementia were doing worse. This was about a year ago so we were not as far into the booster program and I do think the forced environmental isolation contributed to their state of health. But the fact he mentioned it at all was telling.
I have no source except a personal one. My primary physician was noticing that more than the usual, cases of vascular dementia are coming through their office.
My neurologist said something similar to me - that his patients with dementia were doing worse. This was about a year ago so we were not as far into the booster program and I do think the forced environmental isolation contributed to their state of health. But the fact he mentioned it at all was telling.
My ophthalmologist said the same thing to me. Seeing an increase of people coming in with eye problems.