posted ago by SovereignSon ago by SovereignSon +18 / -1

"The Day is at hand! The night is far spent. We must go forth and lead the way for all who will follow. The day of the Lord begins with those who are enlightened, cleansed of all error, bondage, and carnality, and clothed upon with the glory of Christ’s presence, mind, and nature. The day of the Lord begins with those who have eyes to see the true purposes of God for this hour, and commit themselves to walk therein. There is glory and power and rejoicing and praise ahead for those who walk in the light of this new Day. This is the Day of deliverance, not bondage. The bands are broken. Christ is conqueror! HE holds the key to the bottomless pit, HE holds the great chain in His hand with which to bind the devil. Oh, yes — He reigns! We are not expecting the antichrist. We are not expecting the great tribulation. We are not expecting more darkness and gloominess, for we have met the Christ, we have witnessed His power, we have received His word, we have heard His heart, we have beheld His glory, and have been made one with His purposes. His hosts are invincible, and we are those hosts. Our coronation draws nigh. The kingdom of God is within us! Its glory overshadows us! Its light emanates from us! Those who are born of the Light which He is are now standing on new kingdom ground!"

Much more in the link:

