posted ago by FractalizingIron ago by FractalizingIron +10 / -2

TLDR: See “CONCLUSION” at the bottom of post

I speculate that most anons who have been around for the duration of the Q posting operation (going on 5+ years now) will have observed a LOT of ups and downs, both lots of hopes but also severe disappointments. In 2020-2021 we saw the entire world subjected to a psychological attack that doused many millions across the planet in darkness, fear and dread.

Dealing With The Feels Is Par For The Course

Dealing with fluctuating feelings is par for the course if you are anon. Some seek to avoid negative feelings of doom by latching onto hopium (ie. Crack-like, or opium-like information that delivers a momentary respite from difficult or fearful feelings, etc), or even by embracing a dooming outlook (which provides a level of comfort in that one is not required to try, or to challenge one’s comfort zone).

Personally, I have for many years now adopted the view that emotional fluctuations are an IMPORTANT mechanism the Creator gave us for gaging and recognizing who we are and the spiritual and mental environment we are placed in. In other words, emotions are not just either pleasant or unpleasant feelings. As immature humans, we naturally tend to gravitate towards positive (pleasant) feelings and will often push away negative (unpleasant) feelings.

But beyond just enjoying the sensations of positive feelings, we should also recognize that positive and negative emotions both have important functions. If we are unable to recognize and process negative feelings properly, they cannot fulfill their original role.

For example, fear is an important short-term alarm feeling that triggers the fight or flight state. Sometimes fear is the RIGHT response. On the other hand, if fear is sustained for any extended period of time, it becomes increasingly exhausting, debilitating and destructive.

(( Note: It’s important to note at this point that the information war is also, among other things, a psychological war, and that psychological weapons have been trained on us for a long, long time, and this includes emotional manipulation. Lies and emotional manipulation were part of the means by which the first fallen angel deceived our ancestors and usurped God’s rightful position as ruler of this world. ))

(( So along with recognizing that both positive and negative feelings have important functions, we also need to learn to discern when feelings are being weaponized and used in a deliberate attempt to undermine, disable, neutralize or mislead us. ))

Many of us went through a sort of ‘dark night of the soul’ after the steal of 2021 and the Biden inauguration. A lot of anons (if not most, all?) had no idea what was going on. Certainly I didn’t. And I had to step away from Q for a few months just to recalibrate and digest the situation.

However, gradually, overtime, the unfolding plan and operation has manifested itself, and those of us who “kept the faith” have been richly rewarded. Even though we’ll never know it in its entirety, we have enough information now so that if we choose, we are fully able to stand up to the winds and storms of negative emotional energy and psyops that are thrown in our direction, both in the Q community (granted, the attacks are more subtle here) but also in the normie sphere as well.

That said, we are getting newcomer anons all the time, and even if not anon, there is a constant stream of normies making the transition from normie to awake (to the Cabal, to the evil mechanisms that have controlled our world, etc). OGs who have been through everything from Monday to Sunday need to stand strong and help the newcomers, and to also support them as they traverse the wild ocean that is the emotional upheavals that come with learning more truth and waking up.

Neo learns the truth

Viewing Our Emotional Reality In A Larger Context

So, how to understand and deal with doomer-type feelings or sensations when they come our way, or how to support others when they are experiencing the doom cloud hanging over their horizon?

There's something to be said for applying a metaphysical lens to the situations we are currently dealing with. By which I mean, a recognition of some of the larger dynamics of energy and how we humans, the created world, including the spiritual dimensions, exist and operate.

Complementary Opposites As An Underlying Reality of the Universe

Throughout the created world, there is a constant principle of reciprocal give and receive action operating between complementary opposites. Examples include mind (invisible) and body (visible), natural law (i.e.e physics) (invisible) and the material world (visible). These complementary opposites relate as cause and effect.

Another set of complementary opposites is seen in male (initiating) and female (responding), in the human, animal, and plant kingdoms. Positive charge and negative charge in the molecular and subatomic levels.

Everywhere, things interact as either one of these complementary opposites: cause or effect, initiating party or responding party. Together, they form relationships and create the next level of existence. Male and female unite to reproduce (generally speaking), thus creating offspring and creating a family or lineage, in the case of humans forming clans, then ethically bound groups, then societies, nations, etc. + particles interact with - particles to form quarks, etc, then particles like protons, electrons, then molecules, then actual structures like rocks, or the tissues that underlie biological life.

Point is, the interaction between complementary opposites is fundamental to the existence of the created world. This interaction also manifests in energy and its impacts. Undulating landscapes (up + down), waves in the ocean or in any body of water or other liquids and gasses (rise + fall).

Movement In the Field of Complementary Opposites

Def: The field of complementary opposites = the entire universe, including the spiritual, psychological, mental, material and energetic realms

As we move forward in the process that humanity is in, aka awakening towards an unprecedented awareness and understanding of who we are, what our real purpose is, and what we are destined for, there are ups and downs in the energy, which includes emotional energetic dynamics. As individuals, if we are alive, we'll naturally experience ups and downs, rises and falls, as part of the process of life but ideally also in the process of moving forward, which in terms of a dynamic of moving from ignorance and slavery towards knowledge, awareness and freedom, we might conceive as an upward movement.

So think of a wave like a light wave or sound wave, but directed upwards at an angle of 35 degrees, for example. Individually, and also collectively, (whether as a board collective, a movement collective, a social collective, or a national and super-national collective (human race)), we will naturally experience ups and downs in emotional state (feeling), intellectual state (thinking), even in motivational state (intending), AS WE MOVE FORWARD.

In the realm of effect, this may be observed, and many intermediate causes might be postulated, based on the evidence at hand. Eg. More doomers or uplifting pedes on the board, more fear or hope in the general population, etc. But in the realm of cause, these tie back to the great war being waged in the spirit as the forces of good, light, truth (Godly forces) battle with the forces of evil, darkness, lies (satanic or Evil forces). The invisible causes manifest in the visible surface world via many, multiples avenues.

Capacity To Process Emotional Fluctuations

Our capacity to process and digest all types of fluctuations is directly tied to our health, including our spiritual (i.e emotional, intellectual and volitional) development and growth. This is why practicing a spiritual life with prayer, service to others, self-reflection, truth seeking, etc, are an important weapon for anons. The more we grow, the stronger our capacity to receive or be hit by fluctuations (ups and downs) without being traumatized, distressed or undermined by them.

Note: Psychological attacks generally come in the form of some combination of information (true, false, mixed) coupled with an emotional intent (i.e. fear, anger, distrust, etc) or purpose behind it. Developing that mental and/or spiritual antenna is a key tool in learning to discern the invisible intent behind information coming in our direction, which in turn often affects our emotions.


Understanding the larger context in which emotional forces are active in and around us can help us to recognize when negative feelings are NOT helpful or when emotional attacks are being laid against us.

The secret to controlling emotions and not being controlled by them is to recognize the proper functions of both positive and negative emotions, to learn to appreciate them both for what they are, to discern when negative emotions have outlived their term (are no longer required, or have outstayed their welcome, or begin to become toxic), to be wary of attacks from the emotional and psychological dimensions, and to reject negative emotions when they are being artificially generated and thrown at you.

It also helps to understand the cycle of up and down emotional pulls, and to recognize that if you keep your balance, a crest (i.e. up point) will always be followed in some form by a trough, and that experiencing a trough is completely natural and normal, as it is part of the overall cycle. This awareness inspires patience, reduces fearfulness, and encourages positivity in action.


Tension – Can U Feel It?

"Tension" occurs when there is an energetic field generated between interactive opposites. Eg. Lightening occurs when the energetic field or tension between + charges and - charges in the atmosphere reach breaking point.

If you or I or anyone is feeling "the tension", it's an indicator that the field between and formed by the interactive opposites is highly charged and full of energy. As receptive and responsive beings, we might feel that energetic tension i.e. a strong field of truth clashing with a strong field of lies - and experience correlated feelings ourselves, even if they do not originate in us. After all, if you are tuned in to some extent to "the collective", you should naturally be respondent to that (like a tuning fork), but will also need resilience and a healthy capacity to not be negatively affected by it.

Good and Evil Are NOT Complementary Opposites

Complementary opposites are a feature of God's created world. Complementary opposites interact and come together through the centralizing axis of a common purpose. In addition, commentary opposites function on the principle of a + being complimented by a -, centering on that common purpose (creation of a family, formation of an atom, etc).

The view that good and evil are complementary opposites is mistaken. They have diametrically opposing purposes, and they are in conflict. Good and Evil are not + and -, rather, Evil is a false + seeking to displace or usurp the true +. Good vs Evil is true + vs false +.

Thus, evil is a distortion wherein certain beings attempted a coup to overthrow the universal PLUS (God, our creator) and replace him with themselves as a fake, false PLUS.

We overthrow evil by uniting with the TRUE plus. The most powerful way to do that is to unite with Christ as the PLUS incarnate, thus becoming plusses in our own capacity. However, even if people are not yet able to unite with Christ, they can still become a plus by relating to and working with the direction and purpose of the True Plus.

From this view, human history is the tragic history of the false PLUS ruling over and dominating the world and humanity, starting from the Fall of the first ancestors, as described (partially in symbol) in scripture. We are at the point where the false ‘plus’ that has held sway over the world for millennia is finally being exposed and removed, and the true place is rising to His rightful place over the world.

First the instruments of evil (the Cabal, etc) but afterwards, we can expect a massive revealing of the spiritual reality behind it on a level that will wake the entire world. I think that even good Christians will admit that besides our understanding the need and value of uniting with Christ, we are still in the dark about a LOT of things to do with spiritual reality.

Dark to LIGHT.
Hunters become the HUNTED.
This is not another 4-year election.