People have been eating crickets and meal worms n such for a long time so I'm not enraged by this. I do eat hotdogs and what goes in those is pretty bad but I feel like this will be like sugar, high fructose corn syrup and by the time it comes to light that it's horrible for you in high quantities it will be hopelessly ingrained in everything. Right now in the us there is acceptable levels of mouse s*** in peanut butter by FDA standards because they can't keep them out. The more you learn the more you don't want to eat anything you didn't grow or raise yourself.
now when you tell the server that there's a fly in your soup, they'll say... "YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT!"
😆....Isn't that what you asked for?...
Stop wiggling little's lunch time.
" Ma'am, there's a bug on my bun!"
Highly don't think so.
People have been eating crickets and meal worms n such for a long time so I'm not enraged by this. I do eat hotdogs and what goes in those is pretty bad but I feel like this will be like sugar, high fructose corn syrup and by the time it comes to light that it's horrible for you in high quantities it will be hopelessly ingrained in everything. Right now in the us there is acceptable levels of mouse s*** in peanut butter by FDA standards because they can't keep them out. The more you learn the more you don't want to eat anything you didn't grow or raise yourself.