Sadly, yes. But that's also narcissists for you - they know exactly how to manipulate their marks. Their victims have got to get smarter to know how to get away from them.
Oh wow...I'm sorry it's that bad. Ever heard of a guy called H. G. Tudor? If not, look him up. He's actually a narcissist who explains his own game for victims of people like him. There are different kinds of narcs, but they all pull from the same bag of tricks. You'll find that ultimately, they're very scared, sad people whose ego is so fragile that your withdrawal of attention and rejection is death to them (and they are their ego). Once you learn that, you'll find that you have more power than you know. You always had it. When I was on the path to learning all of this, I also rededicated my life to God. It helped tremendously to realize that the only One whose opinion of me mattered was His. Focus on pleasing Him. You are no one else's slave or victim. He made you in His awesome image, fren. I'll leave you with one of my favorite verses: "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7). I said that over and over and over until it sunk in when I was learning what I had to. Don't let fear of life with narcs get the best of you or tear you up so badly that you feel forced to make decisions like moving. It's tough doing what is probably counterintuitive to you at first, but once you know how to pop their fragile little egos, it's fun watching 'em deflate like a Chinese spy balloon because they can no longer control you. I pray that God will grant you the guidance, practical knowledge, and spiritual wisdom you need on this journey to finding out who you are, especially in Him. Oh, and one more thing (hope you see this edit) - get to the point where you can forgive and ask God to bless them. You won't *feel like doing it, but do it anyway. Very, very important to do when you've been badly hurt. It's not for them, it's for you.
Sadly, yes. But that's also narcissists for you - they know exactly how to manipulate their marks. Their victims have got to get smarter to know how to get away from them.
I'm so torn with moving away.
Oh wow...I'm sorry it's that bad. Ever heard of a guy called H. G. Tudor? If not, look him up. He's actually a narcissist who explains his own game for victims of people like him. There are different kinds of narcs, but they all pull from the same bag of tricks. You'll find that ultimately, they're very scared, sad people whose ego is so fragile that your withdrawal of attention and rejection is death to them (and they are their ego). Once you learn that, you'll find that you have more power than you know. You always had it. When I was on the path to learning all of this, I also rededicated my life to God. It helped tremendously to realize that the only One whose opinion of me mattered was His. Focus on pleasing Him. You are no one else's slave or victim. He made you in His awesome image, fren. I'll leave you with one of my favorite verses: "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind" (2 Tim. 1:7). I said that over and over and over until it sunk in when I was learning what I had to. Don't let fear of life with narcs get the best of you or tear you up so badly that you feel forced to make decisions like moving. It's tough doing what is probably counterintuitive to you at first, but once you know how to pop their fragile little egos, it's fun watching 'em deflate like a Chinese spy balloon because they can no longer control you. I pray that God will grant you the guidance, practical knowledge, and spiritual wisdom you need on this journey to finding out who you are, especially in Him. Oh, and one more thing (hope you see this edit) - get to the point where you can forgive and ask God to bless them. You won't *feel like doing it, but do it anyway. Very, very important to do when you've been badly hurt. It's not for them, it's for you.