posted ago by lovecymru ago by lovecymru +56 / -0

From the article

Federal Election Commission filings reveal that Representative James Clyburn (D-SC) gave six figures from campaign funds to two family members during the 2022 election cycle.

The Democrat lawmaker gave thousands of dollars to a firm associated with his son-in-law. He also gifted his grandson with nearly $100,000, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission per Fox News.

The outlet added that the filings revealed that Clyburn paid $57,500 to 49 Magnolia Blossom LLC in the last election cycle to cover the cost of the rent. His daughter, Jennifer Clyburn Reed, is very involved with the organization.

Clyburn Reed’s husband, Walter A. Reed, is listed as the company’s registered agent in South Carolina’s business records.

In addition, Clyburn’s records reveal that he paid his grandson Walter A.C. Reed $94,000 in “campaign management fees” during the midterm election.

While it’s legal for federal politicians to pay family members from their campaigns, ethics experts have generally disapproved of the practice. Despite this, both political parties have taken advantage of the perk.

Clyburn has not faced a legitimate threat to his House seat since entering Congress in 1993 and has easily cruised through re-elections in the Palmetto State’s 6th congressional district.

His campaign did not respond to a Fox News Digital request for comment on the payments.

The high-ranking Democrat was arguably the most pivotal figure for President Biden’s 2020 campaign. During the presidential primary, Clyburn helped swing South Carolina in Biden’s favor and set him on his path toward the White House.
