I am amazed by the recent release of chat GPT and what it can do. It is a program that seems to actually understand the English language in every way.
You can request the system to compare the governing styles of Calvin Coolidge to Julius caesar, and then converted into a limerick, and then it does it Within seconds.
There were a few types of AI out there, but nothing has ever come close to what this is. Every instance of technology I think of, it seems to have been a slow steady advancement-- voice recognition, digital photography, internet, everything has developed gradually.
Really, ChatGPT is like technolog from 2038 instantly dropped into late 2022.
I remember a few years ago, Trump said he was excited about some of the amazing technology that was about to come out, but then he decided it was best not to say anything.
Could this be suppressed technology released ti the masses?
I still see no use for it at this point.
Yes it can create a lot of output.
But we still have to decide what to do with that output and why.
Right now it seems more like hype.
I was a teacher until I quit. The amount of cheating on writing assignments was disheartening. I read all of my students papers. I can easily see students asking chatGPI to write their term papers.
7th grade F and D level papers in freshman college business classes. I grant you that you don't expect shakespeare from business students...
However, with that level of writing skill they shouldn't be able to get in, but they do. They exploit the kids that shouldn't be there just long enough to get the financial aid dollars for 2 years. It is very evil and corporate.
My reaction too. And why do we need AI? How exactly do regular people benefit? Seems to me this could make the constant spying even worse. But it does have Google shitting their pants, and that's a good thing.