Bingo. Its biblical. Read the first chapter. What did God make in genesis 1:16 and where did he place them? If he placed his throne above us so we are like grasshoppers under his feet, are we really in danger of aliens from space? I can't forget Scott Adams sincerely asking anti-clotshotters, "what did you see that others didnt? Why were you so sure of your position?". God told us to Remember the Sabbath as a memorial to his creation. He knew we would forget but also knew we need to know so we are not deceived. They might unveil some demons but they are not aliens that crossed the universe to demand world government and your revolver and eggs.
Bingo. Its biblical. Read the first chapter. What did God make in genesis 1:16 and where did he place them? If he placed his throne above us so we are like grasshoppers under his feet, are we really in danger of aliens from space? I can't forget Scott Adams sincerely asking anti-clotshotters, "what did you see that others didnt? Why were you so sure of your position?". God told us to Remember the Sabbath as a memorial to his creation. He knew we would forget but also knew we need to know so we are not deceived. They might unveil some demons but they are not aliens that crossed the universe to demand world government and your revolver and eggs.