posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +239 / -0

Let this be a warning to all the people living in the area of the train derailment in Ohio and resulting fire of the PVC chemicals.

Many years ago my brother and I would be enjoying a few drinks together and we would begin the "I make more money then you routine". My brother always had a competitive nature. He told me many stories of the white cloud that filled the building where he worked.

He worked at a company that ground up PVC from many sources. (Milk crates, PVC tubing, transport boxes, scrap from auto industry) It would be ground up and recycled. He was the machine maintenance supervisor.

Most of the people that worked there were from the inner-city, loaded scrap into the machines, they didn't stay too long. My brother on the other hand was getting paid good money to keep the machines running. Unfortunately, we didn't know at the time his job was killing him.

He developed a brain tumor after working there for 10 years. Being in the medical field, I started doing research on the different treatments, surgical interventions that were available. I concentrated my efforts on natural cures after his surgery to remove the tumor. He actually was in remission for couple years after his surgery. However, neuroblastomas are a very aggressive form of cancer and eventually his brain cancer returned and killed him.

During my research I was also looking for common carcinogens that cause this type of brain cancer and what I found was, PVC was linked to brain cancers. This was aprox 10 years ago. There was not much data to be found at that time but I was confident his job killed him.

I think the company he worked for knew there was a connection but didn't say anything. They continued paying my brother full time wages and paid all of his insurance premiums while he was disabled and his family ended up with a large life insurance policy after his death. I think they feared being sued so they treated him well after he became ill.

Below is a article from the NIH about Vinyl Chloride. Notice in the first paragraph they say, "PVC is not a known or suspected carcinogen." However, two paragraphs down they say, "Vinyl chloride exposure is associated with an increased risk of a rare form of liver cancer (hepatic angiosarcoma), as well as primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma), brain and lung cancers, lymphoma, and leukemia.


If you are living in the area where this train derailed, GET THE HELL OUT NOW!!!

It seems there is a active cover-up going on, police are arresting reporters for talking about this incident. Here is a twitter thread talking about it.


The arrest of the reporter.


Water poisoned.


Get out now!!


The cancers that will develop will be years in the future, this incident will be forgotten about by that time and the guilty parties will be long gone. Protect your families and move away.

Serious questions need answered. Burning cancer causing chemicals in open burn pits after the entire planet was mass vaccinated with mandated poisonous injections is very coincidental. One has to ask, are they redirecting their efforts to depopulate?