You've had FIVE YEARS of disinformation training at this point. Act like it.
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So what are you saying? White hats are in control or Black hats? I'm even more confused now.
My guess... Is no one was in control... That's why it derailed...
I can't tell who either. But I suspect much of it is smoke and mirrors. Possibly old empty trains nobody wanted tossed off the tracks for show and the insurance money. Add Hollywood pyrotechnics and you have a disaster. Maybe.
we are rapidly being killed off. like i keep saying, the "white hats" are equally as invested in depop as their competition, they just want a slower programme.
put it this way: the "white hats" didnt blow up the georgia guidestones because they disagree, they wrecked them as a statement that the goal of <500million is already on pace to happen.