Look, if they suddenly claim we've been visited by aliens, or that there's a deadly disease spread by eye contact, or that JFK hired Oswald to suicide him ala Bullworth, I think we'll be saying the same thing I we've said about anthropogenic climate change or covid vaccine efficacy: "show me the evidence".
If, on the other hand, there's evidence provided (for argument, let's say the govt reveals a highly advanced quantum communications system recovered from the Chinese balloon) and it's something we (or those we trust) can verify? Not everything is propaganda and lies. To believe so, one must believe that every person in every government, military, R&D, education, business, etc position is part of the smokescreen. Neither history nor reality support such a dismal, pessimistic worldview.
Sometimes (though not as often as Normies think) a cigar REALLY IS just a cigar.
Look, if they suddenly claim we've been visited by aliens, or that there's a deadly disease spread by eye contact, or that JFK hired Oswald to suicide him ala Bullworth, I think we'll be saying the same thing I we've said about anthropogenic climate change or covid vaccine efficacy: "show me the evidence".
If, on the other hand, there's evidence provided (for argument, let's say the govt reveals a highly advanced quantum communications system recovered from the Chinese balloon) and it's something we (or those we trust) can verify? Not everything is propaganda and lies. To believe so, one must believe that every person in every government, military, R&D, education, business, etc position is part of the smokescreen. Neither history nor reality support such a dismal, pessimistic worldview.
Sometimes (though not as often as Normies think) a cigar REALLY IS just a cigar.