Someone linked a bunch of footage yesterday here and I went through about 20 short videos of the crowd. Although it was mostly just crowds walking or standing, some did show them yelling at cops and pulling back the barriers. It looked like the cops were trying their best to keep the crowd back, but they were way outnumbered. Trump was right, the National Guard was needed, and Pelosi refused them for what looks to me like an obvious reason. She wanted some behavior that could be ginned up to an "insurrection".
Someone linked a bunch of footage yesterday here and I went through about 20 short videos of the crowd. Although it was mostly just crowds walking or standing, some did show them yelling at cops and pulling back the barriers. It looked like the cops were trying their best to keep the crowd back, but they were way outnumbered. Trump was right, the National Guard was needed, and Pelosi refused them for what looks to me like an obvious reason. She wanted some behavior that could be ginned up to an "insurrection".