Fauci has been developing bio weapons for the Pentagon since 2002. Fauci is going DOWNNN!
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So when I heard this phrase "gain of function" a couple of years ago, I thought to myself, "If they can create a GAIN in a virus's function, what is a virus's basic, innate natural function to begin with?"
I'm not a virologist, but logic dictates that for something to GAIN, it has to exist in the first place. Does anyone know what the "function" of a naturally occurring virus is?
The first time I heard it described, its a very literal term.
Map out how lethal a virus is, what intermediate sickness states it can bring about before death (bleeding from every pore, fevers, insanity, blindness, skin lesions, inability to digest, motor skill impairment and paralysis etc), how it can spread, and how resilient it is at fighting off efforts to kill or neutralise it via antibodies and antibiotics/antifungals.
Anything that adds to that is a gain of function. Becoming airborne when it was not previously so. Killing quicker. Defeating all known medications at higher chances. Propagating itself more efficiently.
Essentially anything that makes it a better weapon.
Ah... ^^ this ^^ actually makes sense. Thanks, anon.
The problem is this: Nobody has ever proven any of this for any virus.
Yes, people gete skin lesions and all the rest, but nobody has ever been able to demonstrate that a "virus" is the cause -- and there have been many attempts with many "viruses" to try and prove it.
So, what are they REALLY spending all that money on?
MOST PEOPLE DO NOT GET THIS FREN 😞 You can’t operate or fight under a false premise
Viruses are dead cell debris, right? So their 'gain of function' was probably trying to actually make a real virus that is alive and carry some kind of contagion to spread and infect people. When that didn't work they made sure to get people to get their poison physically injected right into their bodies.
Adding HIV into the genetic sequence, damaging the immune system.
there is no moral reason to "do" gain of function at all. There's no way to forecast what changes a virus will go through and "gain of function" is an evolutionary science scam.
entropy is the nature of things. nothing gains function. ever. jumping from host to unrelated host is a matter of lose of function. Sure, the new host may suffer, but it's not because the "virus" evolved.
so "gain of function" is their term for finding a way to kill us all. The "virus" couldn't kill human's before, now it can... its their definition of gain of function and is the only reason they do "the science".
I heard that "gain of function" was a way to facilitate the replication and transmission of viruses (if they even existed) from species to species, ie to human beings.
"Gain of function" can be anything a virus wasnt able to do before. If it only spread through physical contact, enabling it to spread via air is a gain of function. If it only spread between Avian species, enabling it to cross into humans (or another species) would be a gain of function. Heck, if it cannot survive in liquid, but you prod it and breed it until it has a variant that survives in liquid that is a gain of function.
Sure, not per se. I meant in this case, hence the "came from a bat or a pengolin" or whatever else. Heck, it could have even come from Fauci's goblin brain.
This is a great observation...
I remember Fauci from the AIDS epidemic in New York. He was considered a bad guy then, and when his name came up, I said to myself, "What will this murderer do now?" Well, he got millions killed and many more millions will die in time, from his horrendous vax. I repeat, they tried to kill me while I was in the hospital with COVD pneumonia, but I fought them and they left me to live. And so, I am here today, in the middle of a big snowstorm on my birthday! Thank you, Jesus, for giving me the ability to fight the murderers!!
Happiest of birthdays to you
Robert Kennedy Jr. is a national treasure...I believe he is very much like his father...in true Kennedy fashion he took on the vaccine industry/Big Pharma and I believe he has made a great impact on revealing how dangerous all these vaccines are. None of what he reveals surprises me...it is time that all these truths are revealed and then we need JUSTICE...for all the victims...
Wouldn't it be cool if Trump picked up that little weasel by the ankle and swung him around...lol
Anytime any fan of Fauci speaks up, always ask them how they feel that Fauci was NIH head since 1984, yet we were horribly unprepared for the epidemic - despite multiple warnings from him and others of an upcoming virus.
There’s 1984 again...and again...and again...
In the words of Kid Rock.
"Maaan, FUCK FAUCI!"
Judy mikovitz have an interview on stew peters last week that discussed how she actually was doing gof research at Ft Dietrich and she helped build this virus. She claimed that the lab workers became immune to the pathogens and an emergency meeting was held because they were worried about antibodies developed by them. People became sick, even their family members. This was hushed up. Judy went on to write a book and expose the corruption and what they were actually doing to the flu vaccines. They jailed her and then started a new narrative while she sat in solitary. That narrative was they has found a new coronavirus strain in bat guano. The story was a full cover for the work she had done. Judy claims this isn’t even a corona virus but a hybrid of aids(hiv), sars, and a retrovirus. She also claims it was pre loaded going back to 2002 in vaccines and the years of 2017 to 2019 it was heavily loaded in the flu vaccine. All they had to do was “trigger” the dormancy and you hve a plandemic. Show aired on March 6. She names names and Fauci is actually just a little guy in the bigger picture which is frightening. I highly suggest listening to it.
Viruses don't just "escape". They aren't sentient creatures with complex minds.
The only way for that to happen is negligence, which should yield harsh penalties including imprisonment of everyone involved, or a willful release which should yield harsher penalties including the death sentence for all involved.
All of this, of course, operates under the assumption that these labs should exist in this purpose in the first place.
Yet wasn't Fauci's net worth reported as something like $5 mil? I knew he's been pulling in more than that all this time.
$5 mil? For someone that does the evil shit he does I would expect to be in the Pelosis range. That's like the net worth of a hard working contractor in Florida.
Don't EVEN ask what was going on at Montauk. ___ Anthony Fausti
UNFORTUNATELY, maybe because of vaccines and the myriad of poisons they have forced upon us, we have LOST the spiritual discernment to recognize pure EVIL when it is staring you right in the face over the "Tell A Vision" DR DEATH FAUCI
Going down? The guy lied under oath, he experimented on and killed orphans, he tortured beagles, he got kickbacks. He's like the energizer bunny that goes around breaking laws and lying about it and it's like he still hasn't done enough to get arrested.
This just sickens me. I have not words.
Fauci's "bio-weapon" research goes back further than that. who was paying for it is the next question.
hashtag AIDS...
Get Dr. David Martin (and many others) in on this and we've got the makings of a real "Dream Team."
When I see him arrested then I will believe
Please stop posting mis- and dis-information.
Our government is wholly, unequivocally honest, competent and transparent.
Our government only wants to help us.
Our government is very careful with our tax dollars.
Don't be a conspiracy theorist.
Can he cite those claims? Obviously I hope they're true but RFK can't be our source on this. He can be where we heard it but we need to be able to prove it if we're going to share this with others.