GP: The 2020 election steal required an “Emergency” on J6 to complete the coup
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It is clear that there was a small group of people who manipulated the rules and made sure there would be an 'emergency.' They even had an insurance policy of 'pipe bombs'.
Then, they had to follow through with the lie, by the masquerade of the Sicknick funeral...and using the Mockingbird media to repeat the phrase 'deadly insurrection'.
It is no use to keep reiterating that there was NO insurrection, because most people are brainwashed at this point. Even with all the revelations - they can just be labelled as conspiracy theories.
However, the people that were going to present evidence of election tampering, to halt the vote, and examine the evidence, were prevented from doing so, by the convenient 'emergency'. This also explains why the Supreme Court could not do anything. It was a coup, and the congress followed protocol because of the 'emergency' - hence the 'no standing'.
Pelosi needs to be locked up, of course, same for Pence and McConnell. furthermore, it appears that this traitorous 'government' does not have the best interests of people of the USA in their minds. They are wrecking everything.
We need to examine the Law of War manual - what to do when bad actors perform a coup?