I refuse to believe that without sauce. Most cops I've ever known got in because they want to help.
What I would believe is that they know it wouldn't matter if they arrested these people. They would be apologized to, let go, and the cop would be fired and blacklisted.
Most cops I've known got in because they want to help. But police training is not big on Constitutional rights, just as modern medical training is not big on natural cures.
Its more like "who" will do the arresting? Random beat cop just up and arrests a governor? Gov will be free before that cop can get the gov in his cruiser. He's "gone rogue"
Because most law enforcement personnel are there for the paycheck. Constitutional law and citizen's rights aren't even a consideration.
I refuse to believe that without sauce. Most cops I've ever known got in because they want to help.
What I would believe is that they know it wouldn't matter if they arrested these people. They would be apologized to, let go, and the cop would be fired and blacklisted.
Most cops I've known got in because they want to help. But police training is not big on Constitutional rights, just as modern medical training is not big on natural cures.
They go in with the intention to protect and serve.
They remain with the intention of protecting their job and serving their bosses.
Its more like "who" will do the arresting? Random beat cop just up and arrests a governor? Gov will be free before that cop can get the gov in his cruiser. He's "gone rogue"