The Mental Health Industry has never cured crazy. They can eliminate some symptoms with drugs at tremendous costs to health. They have chained people to walls, performed lobotomies, shock therapy, etc...
I coped with my childhood trauma smoking too much weed, but at least I didn't let those people fuck me up.
They are the ones who originated this whole cut your body parts off crap.
Germany did a lot of research on mental issues and the cabal used that research to create many of the crazy things going on. Single Parent households made it much more likely for people to be screwed up. Some people overcome, but most do not.
If you have 2-parent households without alcoholism/drugs/abuse, and the family is church-going, and the people in general therefore have a strong family/church support network, and everyone isn't watching satanic Netflix, and people aren't on psychiatric drugs, and women aren't replacing family/children with dogs/antidepressants, how much mental illness will there be in that community? How many mass shootings will there be in that community? What percentage of homosexuality will be in that community? How many homeless people will there be in that community? Also imagine the same community without porn.
The Mental Health Industry has never cured crazy. They can eliminate some symptoms with drugs at tremendous costs to health. They have chained people to walls, performed lobotomies, shock therapy, etc...
I coped with my childhood trauma smoking too much weed, but at least I didn't let those people fuck me up.
They are the ones who originated this whole cut your body parts off crap.
Germany did a lot of research on mental issues and the cabal used that research to create many of the crazy things going on. Single Parent households made it much more likely for people to be screwed up. Some people overcome, but most do not.
If you have 2-parent households without alcoholism/drugs/abuse, and the family is church-going, and the people in general therefore have a strong family/church support network, and everyone isn't watching satanic Netflix, and people aren't on psychiatric drugs, and women aren't replacing family/children with dogs/antidepressants, how much mental illness will there be in that community? How many mass shootings will there be in that community? What percentage of homosexuality will be in that community? How many homeless people will there be in that community? Also imagine the same community without porn.