SDNY is desperately persecuting Trump bc he knows where billions from Kolomoisky's Ukraine's Privat Bank (much from US & IMF) went. Who got the restructuring contract? Manhattan asst. DA & Soros minion, Meg Reiss w/ her husband, Simon Freakley, WEF minion & CEO of AlixPartners. PANIC IN NY!

Sauce: https://truthsocial.com/@ColonelWatkins/posts/110063871187640819
Guys, this is really breaking research, I was able to piece this together from about four different, random TS posts and some discussion underneath those truths, so this could be WRONG, but, I wanted to share with are other researchers (do we still have those? Chime in!) because this really explains why SDNY is so desperate to "get Trump." WE ARE THE NEWS. Well, we're always trying.
Also. Pardon my mixup, earlier. I was following two different plots on something and got the conclusions mixed up. Thanks for understanding.
Sundance documented this pretty thoroughly during Trumps first term. USAID, missing billions, IMF and quid pro quo deals and threats, Yovanovitch, Kent, Kolomoisky, the black ledger and Manafort, Hunter and Burisma and Joes "Well, what do ya know" threat, all have ties through these days and events.
Im pretty sure I also saw at the Treehouse an extensive corporate tree of Kolomoisky businesses all running thru the same address in Cyprus. Cant be certain atm but Italy and maybe Misfud make an appearance.
Its been awhile since I was deep in the muck on this stuff. I have it saved somewhere but none of my stuff is organized and its on 5 different thumbdrives and an external. Hardly useful or accessible except for some future historian. (Random thought: maybe itll be useful for a book when I retire)
Anyway a hard look at TCTH archives should give plenty of leads. Maybe another Treehouse guy can fill out what Im missing or correct any memory errors.
Edit to add: That Meg Reiss name is new to me though.
I shall ReTruth this to boost this. Traffic incoming Mod stoplights. ;)
Another thing that may play in here is the gas pipeline Papadopoulus was involved with before he joined Trump. It may be peripheral but Gas has been a big play in Europe and who controls it controls Europe.
It'll be wonderful watching all the far flung random details from 2017 coalesce into a coherent narrative.
Yup. I was consumed by this shit for about 4 years. I was deep in the muck during FISAgate. I actually read the entire Meuller report. Every word, every footnote. It took a conscious decision and a few stern words from my wife to pull myself away.
I have a lot of respect for the people who put so much time into our fight to remain free men. Especially people like you cats that do it for free. There are sacrifices that need to be made in order to stay so engaged.
Now I stay in the fight but expend more effort towards making every day the best day that I can rather than allowing evil to determine my happiness level. Thats a weapon in itself.
I forgive you for the AI generated Trump arrest depiction, which BTW leftwing Yahoo news featured with a heading that it was AI generated an not true, upsetting their readership.
This news is good stuff. Needs to go "vitriol".
Thanks, but I already forgave myself yesterday. :D
haha, I love that the tards at Yahoo picked up on it
I triggered liberal 'gasims on Twitter with that meme. Now their her / him's are pissed! Kek
How do we know trump knows where this money went? Not saying he doesnt but I havent seen this before. A lot of people post on the corruption, misspending re: ukr aid but it's not always clear exactly who got it or benefitted.
As someone who works in the industry, Alix is considered one of the best in the world and so it's not that surprising that they would be chosen for a project like that. There are very few restructuring firms with their kind of global reach, resources and professionals. Just my .02 but it is interesting.
all good cats I was wondering where it went....?
great find
I had to get it right (at least boil it down the right way) and lol, I thought I had it several times, but clearly didn't. 😎
KEK, Zelensky, "Owner, Ukraine". That's a funny title to have. But, likely, the real owner is Soros, or, you know, the thing, the big guy
I think Zelensky is a by product of Soros banging a chicken?? LOL imagine that crusty crunchy old fart humping a chicken... no wait! Don't... LOL
could i maybe, finally get a pepe? maybe...?
It's an automated service based on some secret performance metrics (weighted towards posting).
Except the post count is outrageous and primarily relies on you posting at other .win forums? So even if you have been here since the begining like me (and I'm a 2.5k and 1.9k) which is net positive. You still won't get one. I know it's really sad.. at least for me. Lol
I'm not sure. I didn't program it. Wait. There are other WINs?
only the Elite get a Pepe. Us serfy plebs dont get no froggy fren
My Pepe simply showed up one day like a stray cat and adopted me.
This caused me to dig up an old link post from 12-30-2020 of a Justice.gov news story regarding Privat Bank. The comments on this post were interesting.
From the GAW link post comments by u/stoic_troll.
The other thing I thought about was Chanel Rion's 3-part Investigation into Ukraine from 2021. In part 1, there was a name from SDNY that refused to receive a Ukraine letter of inquiry (at minute 25:51). The name was Geoffrey Berman.
Now for a bit more about Lisa (Meg) Reiss...
From John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, NY, April 6, 2016:
"MEG REISS NAMED EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE FOR INNOVATION IN PROSECUTION" https://www.jjay.cuny.edu/news/meg-reiss-named-executive-director-institute-innovation-prosecution
Recent Posts About HSBC:
"HSBC Bank in London, which recently bought the British division of the bankrupt Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), is on fire.… Yet Another COINCIDENCE… Right ??? RIGHT !!!🤡🌎"
"HSBC Bank in London, which recently bought the British division of the bankrupt Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), is on fire....🔥🔥"
"There is a big fire in the center of English Loughborough: the building of HSBC bank, which recently bought the British division of the bankrupt Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), is on fire. "
"PROJECT YETI: How HSBC bought Silicon Valley Bank UK for £1"
"Synthetic Shorts - HSBC - Citadel!!! Theory time"
"Obama endorsed James Comey for the board of directors at HSBC where he went on to launder drug cartel and Clinton Foundation money. When he was done he got the FBI Director post."
"Wow. Rage doesn’t begin to describe my feelings toward the financial shenanigans afoot. HSBC bought the entirety of Silicon Valley Bank’s UK branch for 1£. ARE YOU KIDDING ME."
"DTCC sends issuer failure notice to HSBC Bank last Friday." (1 mo ago)
"HSBC Banker Quits After Blasting ‘Nut Job’ Climate Panic" (8 mo ago)
"Epstein's relationship with bankers from HSBC, Republic National Bank, BSI and others support the idea he was an intel asset and the money man behind drug and arms-dealing operations, in addition to the sex trafficking" (1 yr ago)
"Wanted: Soren Wm Schwartz (helped facilitate an agreement between Dominion & HSBC Canada)" (1 yr ago)
"SKADOOM! Global bank stocks plunge following FinCEN Files revelations. JPMorgan Chase, HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Standard Chartered and Bank of New York Mellon took a hit." (2 yr ago)
Yes! Great post. I read that as well, and I believe that something like 400 million in buildings in, what, downtown Philadelphia or some Midwestern city, I forget, received, including a couple of very tall skyscrapers.
I updated with a 2016 article I found about Lisa (Meg) Reiss, just in case you wanna see that.
Interesting, to say the least... I love when they Panic...Make mistakes...
Every. Single. Time.
You're on the nose with this one. You really have a nose for details
2/1/23 Detectives from Ukraine's economic security bureau entered Mr Kolomoisky's house in Dnipro -- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64482072 lotta info in this thread
@patel_patriot---A few more interesting things to add to the thread by @KanekoaTheGreat
Recall that one of Russia’s stated goals with their “Special military operation” is to “denazify Ukraine” This Russian Embassy statement specifically listed “Azov” - the Ihor Kolomoisky funded/founded group. https://twitter.com/patel_patriot/status/1621199306228203524
...well well well
Chickens Coming Home To Roost...Great Job CATS...you be the "cats meow"!!!😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺😺
Garrett Ziegler (Telegram) has posted a few times about Meg Reiss and all this interconnectedness. All I can say is: none of it surprises me anymore. In fact, I've come to expect it!
Oh, he has a Telegram?? Why didn't you say! On that like like white on rice/black on crime, haha, kidding.
"Kidding," the mod says! Mmmhmmm, suuuure. (I hope you can see I'm being facetious, but I don't know your sense of humor, or which humor that even is. Better safe than sorry, I s'pose!)
Well, it's certainly not a secret to many of us here. I mostly include info like that for those who don't know. Feel free, of course, to delete my comment if it's not adding anything.
The way I see these people is - they steal from us to fatten their bank accounts, then they support murder and crimes against humanity to hide their crimes and protect their asses.
THIS is Q news of the most important sort. Needs to go Viral. And Vitriol. Is that a thing yet? Going Vitriol?
Man, praying so hard NY gets cleaned out of its many communists
Aren't these all jews ?
Crypto Jews - AKA Khazars.
Freakley, what a name! kek