RIGHT, There’s Nothing YOU Can Do! By Lex Greene|March 24th, 2023
Which begs the question, why aren’t you united with others yet? There’s strength in numbers, ya know.
More than 70% of American adults fear the future today, and most between 14 and 25 don’t think they’ll even have one. The vast majority of Americans are divided, distracted, demoralized and defeated. Most quit the battle before they ever start…praying and hoping for “someone else to do something!”
If you think there’s nothing you can do, you’re right. Alone, none of us can stop what’s happening to our country and the world today. Working alone is a self-fulfilling prophecy. However…
UNITED, there’s nothing we cannot do!
We all know that “divided, we will fall.” Christians should all know best, that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.” (Matthew 12:25) Still, we are not united!
That’s because those in power have set out to make sure we can never unite against them by keeping us divided over a laundry list of divisive issues. As long as they can keep us fighting amongst ourselves, we can never unify to fight them! That was the plan a long time ago, and it’s a good plan, so long as you can get the people to go-along to get-along.
But what if the people will no longer allow themselves to be divided by greedy power-drunk politicians who only serve themselves, at great expense to the rest of us? What if “the people” are reminded that our Rights do not come from them, but instead, their Rights come from us?
I was speaking with a friend from Michigan earlier today, as they told me about a meeting with their local mayor, who told them that all “American Rights come from government, via the Constitution.” Huh???
Government Rights and Duties come from the State and Federal Constitutions, which come from us, “the people.” Without us, there would be no constitutions, and thereby, no government at all.
In fact, be it local, state, or federal, no governmental body has any right to even exist, other than by the authority granted it in a constitution. Which is to say, if there is no constitution, there can be no government at all. It also means that only when a governmental body operates “constitutionally,” does it have any authority whatsoever.
“Unconstitutional” governmental bodies have no power or authority at all. They don’t even have a right to exist!
But under government controlled education and mass media, millions of Americans have lost sight of this reality. Even worse, a majority of Americans no longer even know the foundations of freedom at all today.
The foundations of our freedom and liberty are recorded in “The Charters of Freedom.” Until recently, this government site page was titled The Charters of Freedom. That was recently changed to read “America’s Founding Documents” instead, as if they are mere pieces of historical paper no longer relevant today.
But here’s the most important parts, the “foundations of freedom.”
All Citizens (legal members of society, as distinguished from a foreigner, or one not entitled to its franchises.) are Created Equal, with certain “inalienable” Rights. (Inalienable means beyond the authority of government)
Our Rights are “endowed by our Creator,” not from government.
All governmental authority is derived from “the people.”
The foundation for all U.S. Rights for every Citizen is based upon “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” – not mere mortals unworthy of any faith or trust.
All “constitutional rights” are rights, duties and powers assigned to government, by “the people.” No constitution is written to establish any rights of “the people.” They are all written by the people, for the people, to control their government.
There is no document enumerating the almost endless Rights of the people. The Bill of Rights secures additional specific prohibitions and restrictions placed upon the government.
Essential to freedom and liberty are two primary Rights, a) the Right of free speech, unlimited, uncensored and certainly uncancelled; and b) the Right of the people to keep (possess) and bear (carry) arms. (Not to ever be confused with military operations).
None of the Charters of Freedom establish a “democracy, dictatorship, or unelected oligarchy.”
If you understand these founding truths, then you understand that any governmental body, local, state or federal, which is operating at odds with any of these foundations of freedom, are “unconstitutional.”
The governments created by the people via the constitutions, only have a right to exist so long as they operate within the confines and restrictions placed upon them by the people in those constitutions. In other words, if our Founding documents are no longer relevant, and the foundations of freedom have been infringed upon and essentially eliminated, then the governments they create are no longer relevant.
As of this writing, our governments are not “constitutional,” and are therefore, they are no longer relevant.
Now, we all know that the vast majority of Americans no longer have any awareness of these truths. This is the dumbing down process that people have written about for decades. Therefore, they feel helpless as our governments become ever more tyrannical and destructive in nature.
To put a fine point on the matter, the following three things are true!
The Article II branch of the Federal Government is not a dictatorship and it should never be treated as one. The U.S. Constitution created and authorized no such thing. Executive Orders have no force of law whatsoever, under the U.S. Constitution.
The Article III branch of the Federal Government is not an oligarchy of unelected and unaccountable rulers unbridled to their whims. Court opinions are not laws, contrary to popular British Common Law claims and beliefs today.
The Article I branch of the Federal Government holds sole lawmaking power in the USA. But they are limited to making laws that are “in furtherance of freedom and liberty,” and not at odds with the foundations of freedom.
So, the only reason for American Citizens to fear this government is, they either do not know that “all governmental powers and authorities are derived from The People themselves,” or they have allowed their government to become so corrupted, big, and powerful that they can only “go-along to get-along,” no matter the destruction it creates.
“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” Attributed to Thomas Jefferson
No matter who said it, the statement remains true. All over the globe, people have lived in fear of their governments for centuries, under communism and communism lite, socialism. That’s because the “foundations of freedom” do not exist in those countries.
People in such countries have lived under boot for many generations and they know nothing else.
But in the USA, we were blessed with the foundations of freedom, as endowed by our Creator, subject to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God, and “inalienable” to all men.
We all know we are on the brink of losing everything in the USA today. We know why we are and that this has been a long slow boil, bringing us to this moment in history when the end seems closer than we ever imagined we would witness in this country.
“The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principle upon which it was founded.” (Circa 1748)
So, it was then, and so it is today… The keepers of freedom and liberty are “The People,” not the politicians.
And you’re right, alone, there is nothing YOU can do.
But together, united by the single cause of freedom for all, there is nothing we cannot do!
It’s time to unite for the cause of freedom again. If we don’t, our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren will never know freedom. This is why we see mothers and grandmothers at the front lines of this fight today. They are protecting their young!
It’s time for every American to make this stand together. It’s time for all American men to take the front lines. Shame on every American who calls himself a man, while sending his women to battle!
There are only two types of people in America now, those willing to give all for the cause of freedom for all, and those who should not call themselves Americans at all.
Which one are YOU?
Ronald Reagan, January 19, 1989 – “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction.”
Like it or not, WE are that generation! The task has fallen to us!
© 2023 Lex Greene – All Rights Reserved
Look what happened to the OathKeepers.