So had this thought related to the now obvious and upcoming loss of the US dollar as the world reserve currency. As the world currency, the US dollar used as its main tool the requirement for all oil transactions globally to be dollar denominated. We know that for the past 100 years it is the oil companies (now PC called ‘energy companies’) have held ransom all nations of the earth by this. Energy is required for economic growth and oil is the life blood of global economic growth so the US (and by extension the Federal Reserve) has decided for the past century, who grows, who falls, who lives, who dies all on a worldwide scale. The US dollar and those who controlled it decided the fate of nations by controlling access to energy. So what would happen to the international financial order if oil no longer was needed as the life line for development of nations and people? What would happen if the long-suppressed discoveries of Nicola Tesla and/or zero-point or ancient power generation suddenly were revealed to mankind? What would become of the value of the US dollar… or the BRICS currency? What happens when people can generate their own power for FREE anywhere on the planet? When technology allows devices to power themselves? Who is in control then? What becomes the mode of exchange? Who controls that? Does anyone? Q said many suppressed inventions would be revealed. Are we looking at the right thing now? Let’s see what happens…
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The Great Awakening.... That's what happens.