As the public is boiling in the New World Order, they are and have been pushing the gay/trans agenda.. it is ultimately their New Age religion centered around sex and polluting societal morality and ultimately denouncing Christ & God.
I was never a religious person, but nearly 20 years of studying the New World Order, I can safely say that there is a spiritual war happening right now. It's a war between Good and Evil. The recent shooting of the Christian elementary school at the hands of a transexual made everything click for me.
Evil likes to use good symbols and desecrate them for their own purpose. Example: the peace flag, it is merely an upside-down broken cross within a circle. Another example: the "Pride flag" which is now morphed into what is called "the Progress Pride flag" which is a sideways pyramid (illuminati) with a rainbow in the background. A rainbow is a symbol for God's Creation after a storm, but it is now used to represent homosexuality, which is an abomination to God.
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality" 1 Corinthians 6:9
It's funny how they call the new flag the "Progress Pride flag" as their political party is called "The Progressives". The New World Order's view of "progress" is to destroy mankind and to capture its spirit away from God.. that's what "progress" means to them.
The transexual is the opposite of God, that is why transexuals are being mobilized to attack Christians right now. It is the Baphomet's religion, the Baphomet is the transgender devil with breasts and a phallus that resembles two snakes intertwined (two snakes intertwined is also in the pharma symbol, "science", aka: their "truth"). It is the exact opposite of God. The Baphomet is what the Knights Templar, the Masons (Jabulon), the shadow government's God that they idolize and sacrifice children to.
This is also one of the keys to the New Age world religion, to kill a child is the ultimate slap in the face to God as a child is the most pure, the most innocent being on the planet.
But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6
This is why we see the trans community pushing so hard to indoctrinate children at an early age, to cause them to turn away from God. Why we are seeing so many "story time" events all across the country, but why is this happening now? I cannot tell you, all I know is behind the colorful baby blue and pink flag, behind the colorful rainbow flag lies Satan himself. It is the last and final step for the New World Order needs, to completely capture the spirit of man into accepting sodomy, abortion, castration of children, etc.
That is the name of the game for the power's that be... to turn ALL of mankind away from God. That is the entire reason why they created religions.. to steer souls away from the truth.
If we continue to watch TV, movies, and give these politicians, talking-heads attention. They will continue to hypnotize us, they will continue to try to capture us and the people you love into the New World Order cult that is a dead-end for your spirits. They control the entire media, they control all the corporations (you will see all corporations change their logos to rainbow colors during pride month), they control all the churches, schools, etc. Now they want to centralize the financial system by crashing it. The beast system is already here, they said 2023 was Year 1 of the New World Order. Wait until they capture us and force us into the Digital ID platform that will be controlled by AI and quantum computers. They will target those against the trans and gay community for sure, because it is now a protected religion and Christian churches will ultimately be banned soon. They banned people from attending churches during the pandemic for a reason. The entire pandemic was the first domino and we all fell for it.
The only thing that is protecting us is the truth (look out for a false flag attack on the internet soon so they can roll out a "new internet" that will be completely void of all truth and heavily regulated) and the power of our father and the teachings of Christ. As I said, I was never a religious person until I learned about the wickedness of the new world order.. those that sacrifice little babies on black stone alters at the Vatican, in masonic lodges, and in castles all around the world. If there is this level of evil, than there must be a God, and these people are afraid of it.
Why do you have “demon” in your name?
people need to pay more attention to names, there are a few "names" around here that are a big red flag, and yet this is the first time I have seen any one called out. Why would someone choose a name that is potentially offensive to the community? Is it because our enemy is hiding right here in the open? It certainly fits their MO. I'm not saying that OP is one of these people, but that is a really poor choice for a username considering the evil we are fighting.
My username is literally an anime title with one letter changed
I did not know that and now I'm going to watch that anime because it looks interesting to me kek. I do love me some good anime!
My other name in music / media is Savage Woodchipper - riff on savage berserker and the woodchip chomos and tyrants meme. Some dad killed the scum that hurt his child with a mooseantler.... Maybe OP is saying DMT is demonic?
Mine was just because I suck at coming up with names.
My username is the nickname my hubby and kids gave me. I am not afraid to tell them no.
It’s strange because some of the message resonated with me, then it got into dooming toward the end and started to pull me into a negative way of thinking.
Part of the Awakening is realizing WE create the reality and WE have the power to change it with support from God. “They” don’t control anything, they’ve simply created the illusion that they do. We are on a great path and I refuse to buy into this “all is lost” mindset. Forget that nonsense!
Why is your name Knight Templar?
Haha good catch fren.
Because I am a Knights Templar.
Great contribution to our community- keep it up.
You do know that the Knights Templars worshipped the transexual devil the Baphomet? The "Demon" in my name was from an experience I had during a DMT trip, I saw all types of things and a few years ago I was really into DMT and psychedellics.. I was never really a religious person until very recently. I would change my name but I don't think I can do that here and if I choose another name I have to start all over again and it's a pain in the butt to get back where I started.
If you agree to fight evil, we are on the same team me fren.
This is retarded. Judge the content of the post not the username. How is this the top comment...?
I was about to say, why don't people talk about what I wrote instead of my stupid username?
Agreed, I’m sorry I even posted. Trust me, I know all of the theories on masonry. But guess what? I did it. I was skeptical. But learned many of my fellow man were apart of this brotherhood. Have any of you petitioned a lodge? Have you had the guts to walk into a Masonic lodge, alone, and sit for dinner/fellowship? The only reason I joined was because I needed to know if they were evil. Get off your couch and go see. Like I said before all organizations have good and bad. Be the Good!
Only OP can explain. However perhaps I can provide context.
DMT is the "God Molecule" that your brain actually makes. But one can also take DMT as a drug, and this will cause an extremely intense experience (that is also often very short), and people who have done this have reported seeing their surroundings as a moving fractal "machine" and that in their view are small entities that are ignoring the viewer, but in some cases interact with the viewer. I believe it was Terence McKenna who dubbed these entities "Machine Elves".
Some (many?) people believe that these "Elves" are effectively/actually demons.
I've taken DMT like...8 times? It's a trip. A short one, but a cool one. Can't say I'd call it good or evil though.
I think the folks who see the Machine Elves see them on Ayahuasca, which has DMT in it but also other compounds that extend the experience. DMT is supposedly (I have not taken it) ZIIP!!!! and gone.
Yeah it's like a 6 minute trip. Don't take too much and all it does is make the people around you look like shiny porcelain.