posted ago by PrayerWarrior419 ago by PrayerWarrior419 +31 / -0

I live on the gulf coast and have had many friends and family members (including my husband, daughter, and mother) get sick after eating shrimp, crawfish, oysters, salmon, and flounder. Their symptoms only last a day or 2 and they believe it's a stomach bug, but when you consider we've all been in contact and the only ones getting sick are the ones eating seafood/shellfish. I believe this is coming from all the toxins that have been released into the rivers. They've had plenty of time to travel to the gulf and be absorbed by the creatures that dwell in it if it hadnt killed them. The last time i saw this many people get sick off seafood was after the BP Oil Spill. I cant seem to find any reportings on it, so if you have, please share.