204 Flat Earther spends $20,000 on DIY experiment that accidentally proved the planet is ROUND (www.dailymail.co.uk) 🌏 Sphere World 🌎 posted 1 year ago by winn 1 year ago by winn +216 / -12 Flat Earther spends $20k on experiment that proves Earth is round The Flat Earther was in the middle of filming for a Netflix documentary titled Behind the Curve when he realised his $20,000 mistake. 308 comments share 308 comments share save hide report block hide replies
That argument is always met with “round like a pancake” from FEs.
But I agree with the premises. Flat Earth is a “meta” conspiracy theory, created by CIA for other “conspiracy theories “ to look dumb.
Ah you believe 9/11 was a false flag, guess you believe the Earth is flat as well.