I'm very, very doubtful that we're going to see current events start to sync with Q drops until next year at the earliest.
Many of these drops imply major events. And in the first four months of this year when comparing Q drops with current events, only the most creative minds can see a connection between the two.
Life is going to heat up a lot next year as we head into the election. The United States will have further devolved, more incriminating data will have been released and the election to save the Republic will be in sight. I strongly suspect 2023 will be the soonest that we start seeing predictive Q drops and current events align.
Perhaps I'll be wrong but I don't think so. Things are bad right now but the citizenry has not been "pushed to the brink".
You are almost certainly correct. Being a creative mind and seeing some things habbening, I like bringing some good old-fashioned optimism into the mix, if only to keep those muscles in shape and to keep some heads up. Thanks for the nice high-effort comment.
I'm very, very doubtful that we're going to see current events start to sync with Q drops until next year at the earliest.
Many of these drops imply major events. And in the first four months of this year when comparing Q drops with current events, only the most creative minds can see a connection between the two.
Life is going to heat up a lot next year as we head into the election. The United States will have further devolved, more incriminating data will have been released and the election to save the Republic will be in sight. I strongly suspect 2023 will be the soonest that we start seeing predictive Q drops and current events align.
Perhaps I'll be wrong but I don't think so. Things are bad right now but the citizenry has not been "pushed to the brink".
You are almost certainly correct. Being a creative mind and seeing some things habbening, I like bringing some good old-fashioned optimism into the mix, if only to keep those muscles in shape and to keep some heads up. Thanks for the nice high-effort comment.
Thank you, Anosha. I hope I didn't sound like I was dooming, the timeline just doesn't feel right to me yet.
No, I think your perspective is sober and thoughtful, and I really appreciate it.