For the people in FL, we don't want him to leave FL.
For the people outside of FL, they don't care enough to show real support.
I think DeSantis knows he ought to stay Gov of FL. Why risk surrendering one of the handful of bastions of ever-dwindling freedom to risk being exposed to the absolute corruption of the federal system where you MUST bend the knee SOMEWHERE in order to advance your agenda.
He risks losing more running for the presidency than continuing running as Gov of FL. He knows his probabilities lay better in FL.
For the people in FL, we don't want him to leave FL.
For the people outside of FL, they don't care enough to show real support.
I think DeSantis knows he ought to stay Gov of FL. Why risk surrendering one of the handful of bastions of ever-dwindling freedom to risk being exposed to the absolute corruption of the federal system where you MUST bend the knee SOMEWHERE in order to advance your agenda.
He risks losing more running for the presidency than continuing running as Gov of FL. He knows his probabilities lay better in FL.