READ & WEEP IVERMECTIN DENIERS - wash the blood from your hands, then get down on your hands & knees and beg forgiveness from the families of the covid dead, the vaccine injured, and the covid hospitalized. 🤩 😮 Read!
BREAKING: "We now have a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 399 people that found that ivermectin reduced the risk of infection following exposure to SARS-CoV-2 by 72%. Further, those in the Ivermectin group also had a 96% lower risk of becoming infected with a high viral load. The evidence is now irrefutable - Ivermectin is substantially more effective and safer than the experimental vaccines. It’s not even close."
Should we still be going back-and-forth about covid or should we be preparing people for the marbug virus that's coming? I believe they're going to release that if things really start stacking up against them.
I agree b/c they are going to do another pandemic- they’ve already forewarned us numerous times- but I think we need home remedies & cures listed for each ailment or sickness. We gotta categorize this stuff somehow. Then archive & link it for all.