That's a good question. When I go to TS and look at a random Trump truth I get a timestamp along the bottom with all the "stats" of the truth. I'm looking at them in my browser on my laptop though.
Maybe the Phone client doesn't automatically display the timestamp, or maybe if you don't have an account it doesn't display?
The random truth I just looked at has the stuff below, but of course with the symbols in front of Reply, Retruth, and Like. I am logged in though - maybe there is a difference?
That's a good question. When I go to TS and look at a random Trump truth I get a timestamp along the bottom with all the "stats" of the truth. I'm looking at them in my browser on my laptop though.
Maybe the Phone client doesn't automatically display the timestamp, or maybe if you don't have an account it doesn't display?
The random truth I just looked at has the stuff below, but of course with the symbols in front of Reply, Retruth, and Like. I am logged in though - maybe there is a difference?
10.7k ReTruths 52.9k Likes Apr 24, 2023, 12:04 PM
Reply ReTruth Like