Traditional religious and family values.
Morals and ethics...Respecting yourself and others
Leadership and setting examples
Volunteering at home, at school and in your community.
Personal and family economics. Learning about saving, debt, investing, budgeting,
Earning a living...all the various things people do to make money and keep society functioning.
Ways we strengthen our minds and bodies and what to avoid.
I'm sure there are many others we could add to the list that would build wisdom, strength and character in young people.
Considering that public schools were designed by Humanists specifically to replace family and church with government and state, and prepare workers for the 'inevitable' merger with communism, they're accomplishing exactly what they were originally set out to do. From the designers' own writings and testimonies before Congress when they applied for the funding. Meaning that the corrupt rats all knew where it was going, over a century ago!
Independent thinking, critical thinking, rational debate, scientific method, etc were and are the antithesis to the elite rule of the masses. Simply: They will never teach you what you need to know to overthrow them.