The allusion to the 'Matrix' is one which concerns me, in the Matrix series the awakened ones live outside the matrix and only enter at/for specific times/reasons. We who are awakened from the worlds systems still live within in it all the time.
I believe in walking with and in Christ you can leave it While being in it-thinking on heavenly things-kingdom not of this world-that very 'taken up' elated feeling I experience.
The allusion to the 'Matrix' is one which concerns me, in the Matrix series the awakened ones live outside the matrix and only enter at/for specific times/reasons. We who are awakened from the worlds systems still live within in it all the time.
I believe in walking with and in Christ you can leave it While being in it-thinking on heavenly things-kingdom not of this world-that very 'taken up' elated feeling I experience.
Kinda like being in the world (matrix) but not of the world.
Amen, good way of explaining