5 year Delta tomorrow. ALSO tomorrow, James Comer claims they are going to unleash a flood of evidence against the crime family Biden.
Comers district is Southern Kentucky counties. Southern Kentucky. SKY. “SKY Event” tomorrow.
Coincidence maybe? Maybe not. Then again, I recall something about “no coincidences”. Yeah, who knows.
Wow, oh wow, THIS IS TERRIFIC! Man, there are some brilliant people on this board!
Keep going, fren, what else you got?
Nothing right now fren. Its gonna be a fun week though. Deltas, habbenings, and what not.
How about 511? Relates to road and traffic conditions... wisconsin has 511wi.gov for their traffic website. 5/11 is Thursday, the day that Title 42 goes away pertaining the traffic at the border. I thought it mighty coincidental! Or is it?