The idea is Adam and Eve were playing god by becoming aware of higher knowledge. Before they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they were dumb as a beast.
yes. animals have a different type of consciousness to humans. their experiences tend to be very intuitive and very blissful. God knows the human path comes with hardships. and even with rebellion against God. and now that we have some of this higher knowledge, the only way back into heaven is to become 'as little children'.
and that is because faith is more fundamental than intellect. from a spiritual point of view, it is not necessary to amass knowledge. faith is allowing yourself to be a vessel for spirit, which in turn allows you to know everything you need to know, exactly when you need to know it. that is how animal consciousness operates. they play their roles perfectly, and the easiest way for humans to play ours is by striving to act as that vessel for spirit.... despite this burden of intellect that we have taken on.
But because jesus was sacrificed now it's ok to experience higher thought as long as you believe in him. The sacrifice made god change his standard. You are still a sinner but believing in jesus makes it so it is possible to get into heaven.
there was no change of standard. the idea is that faith can move mountains. if you believe that Christ has redeemed you through His death, then you have been redeemed.
its no paradox for God to simultaneously be infinitely judging and infinitely merciful, as God exists above duality.
But in the first place you have to be redeemed because god's originals went against his wishes and ate the fruit and attained higher consciousness. Now there is no way to not have some kind of higher consciousness so we are still going against god's wishes but because of the sacrifice there is a way out. I see no evidence that that relates to reality in any way; none of it.
The idea is Adam and Eve were playing god by becoming aware of higher knowledge. Before they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they were dumb as a beast.
yes. animals have a different type of consciousness to humans. their experiences tend to be very intuitive and very blissful. God knows the human path comes with hardships. and even with rebellion against God. and now that we have some of this higher knowledge, the only way back into heaven is to become 'as little children'.
and that is because faith is more fundamental than intellect. from a spiritual point of view, it is not necessary to amass knowledge. faith is allowing yourself to be a vessel for spirit, which in turn allows you to know everything you need to know, exactly when you need to know it. that is how animal consciousness operates. they play their roles perfectly, and the easiest way for humans to play ours is by striving to act as that vessel for spirit.... despite this burden of intellect that we have taken on.
But because jesus was sacrificed now it's ok to experience higher thought as long as you believe in him. The sacrifice made god change his standard. You are still a sinner but believing in jesus makes it so it is possible to get into heaven.
there was no change of standard. the idea is that faith can move mountains. if you believe that Christ has redeemed you through His death, then you have been redeemed.
its no paradox for God to simultaneously be infinitely judging and infinitely merciful, as God exists above duality.
But in the first place you have to be redeemed because god's originals went against his wishes and ate the fruit and attained higher consciousness. Now there is no way to not have some kind of higher consciousness so we are still going against god's wishes but because of the sacrifice there is a way out. I see no evidence that that relates to reality in any way; none of it.