We've thrown around a number of different theories on here on how we're going to overcome the population collapse problem, as well as how we're going to overcome and reverse the great replacement, etc.
While I don't think there's a one size fits all solution, meaning multiple things will happen (revoke birthright citizenship, mass deportation ala operation wetback, religious revival resulting in a second baby boom, etc.). Some of this is already happening actually (religious revival, mass deportation to some extent based on that leaked homeland security memo earlier this month, and the religious revival is ongoing as seen by the Asbury college revival that spread and the rise in US Birthrates, notably among the white population in the last several years, while every other demographic continues to fall).
But I had a thought that I haven't ever seen anyone mention while reading a book the other day. I won't bore everyone with the details of the book, but the general idea I had was this.
What if we don't have to have a massive surge in population growth, because we're all going to be living longer post cabal?
If you think about all the secret cures, medical tech, etc. that's been hidden from us, as well as the fact that post cabal we won't be eating/drinking/breathing poison every moment of existence. Then it's not that farfetched that the average lifespan of a human will greatly expand by a wide margin.
Say, instead of 80 being the average, now the average is 150. That would mean people are living almost twice as long on average. Meaning a lower birth rate wouldn't be a problem anymore, since the replacement factor would be much lower due to the population having greater longevity.
Combine that with all of the above factors I mentioned, and it seems like a good long-term plan to return the west towards their roots, expel invaders (Illegal Hispanics here, Middle Easterners for Europe), and restore demographics back to what they were pre cabal. All while undergoing a religious revival that brings most of the west back to God.
Of course, I have no way of proving this is the plan to deal with the birthrate/population problem. But considering we all have more or less accepted that cabal has multiple methods of extending the life span of their puppets (think Rockefeller and Soros), and even more methods that are kept secret for the non-public figures. It only seems logical to me that this is a distinct possibility.
Figures I'd throw the theory out there for discussion
More then likely. The benefits and any potential for an extended lifespan will primarily be felt by the current generation of Children/Young Teens. Anyone older. You might be able to squeeze out 90s-100s as an average for the older generations. But that’s probably stretching it. Because you run into the problem of reversing all of what’s already been done to them. Which unless they’ve been sitting on tech bordering on magical. Isn’t likely. I’m of course talking about any of the various endemic ailments, conditions, and problems that afflict the older generations.
It’d probably help to make approximations if we had a definitive answer as to what exactly they’re sitting on. Because many of the “Whistleblowers” who all claim to know all about the secret tech and medical stuff. Don’t have the same storys. There’s common threads certainly. Such as the “Med-Beds” which depending on the “Whistleblower”. Range from eliminating Cancer and various other ailments in a few minutes. To essentially being a hybrid of the Fountain of Youth and Holy Grail. But from there the other details can differ rather drastically.
If Jesus could bring back Lazarus from the dead, he can certainly reverse the aging process.
I believe that when God makes his presence known again, we will see all kinds of wonders and miracles.