Ok, hear me out ...... let's start off with 2 datums .... 1. We are watching a movie and 2. Trump is currently the "real" president acting as such.
So, if we are watching a movie and all the important actors are playing their parts well under control, why would any plan depend upon the variability of an election at this point? Why depend upon a single individual staying healthy etc. (i.e. Trump). It would seem if we are watching a movie then all important variables can be accounted for a coped with if it falls "wrong", an actor/controlled asset replaced etc. Also if the next election is vital, wouldn't Q be communicating to us to assist as such? Q has gone dark because we did most all thats needed of us until the normies awaken.
Secondly if Trump is actually doing his 2nd term, he does not get 3 per the rules (assuming we playing fair in that case).
If we are watching a movie, then we can assume most all individuals with power to affect real outcomes are under control (maybe the blackmail material is in white hats hands and they do what they are told like how RICO is run). It seems like Trumps first term was to put various last steps in place Space force, various EO's etc. and now he may only have a small part to play in the final stretch. Q did say they have plans "beyond Trump".
If we are "watching a movie", all vital variables must be under control at a probably impressive scale.
2nd term as CIC, not president. This is devolution and there is no legit president. He said many times that the fraud was so bad that it cannot be undone.
Also, if US switched from a republic to corporation after civil war and all presidents since then are just corporation presidents and not constitutional presidents, the term limit may not even apply at all. Who knows, we might have 4 term for Trump!
The "EEEEE" seals the deal, however it should have been "REEEE" for extra lulz.
I guess REEEE for them, EEEEE (excited) for us lol
This and he was ONLY EVER CIC, never president. The deep state groomerment working against him, subverting every action taken. Media, courts, 3 letter agencies, all an attack on the government of the people.
He should be allowed to run for 2 terms. Trump has mentioned this before. 2024, 2028, all the way up 2040 in one of his speeches.
From Black's Law Dictionary 6th ediction, page 340 (sorry, I don't have a good link for that, I had to download it from torrent).
A corporation is a legal entity (AKA legal person) that has been incorporated (made corporeal, i.e. made "real" with respect to Law) that acts as a legal shield between the Natural Persons that make the decisions ("Trustees" or "Directors") in the name of the corporation (legal person), and the consequences of the decisions themselves.
This "legal shield" (relating only to our concept of "consequences of Law") is the purpose of all corporate entities, whether they be LLCs, Trusts, 501(3)(c)s, municipal corporations, governmental corporations, etc..
From United States v. Perkins, 1896 (page 6):
From Republica v. Sweers, 1779:
The United States is a corporation, and has been from the very beginning. In the case of the second example, it was considered a Corporation (legal entity acting as shield) even before the creation of the US Constitution (though it was under the strictures of the original Articles of Incorporation, i.e. US Govt was a different corporation (legal entity) at the time). US Govt Corporation is a legal shield that can be sued in lieu of those that actually make the decisions, i.e. the Trustees. The US Govt was "made corporeal" by declaration of the Sovereign Individuals (Natural Persons) who signed the Constitution. Its Corporate Rules (the limits of the legal powers of that Corporate entity) are stated legally (by law, and as law) in the Constitution, which is just a fancy name for Articles of Incorporation.
The idea that the "US switched from a republic to a corporation" doesn't understand what a "corporation" is. It may or may not have changed from one Governmental Corporation to another Governmental Corporation, but if true, that is a different problem. With respect to that potential problem, I have yet to find enough evidence to support that claim to prove to myself that it happened.
Having said that, there was a new municipal corporation created in 1871 (Washington D.C.), and the Trustees for that corporation just so happen to be the exact same Trustees as for US Govt Corporation, so laws made for one may find their way to fraudulently applying to the other.
Black's Law Dictionary 6th edition is still the most popular edition because it cites actual cases along with the definitions, even though it's currently on the 11th edition.
Awesome, thank you!
I would like to see you make this case from the founding documents and not from some interpretation by some judges.
Btw the logic used in the 1799 opinion has so many holes
I didn't make the case from the court rulings. I presented the court rulings because they corroborate. The case I made was on the definition of a corporation. A corporation is a legal entity. It has no meaning outside of whatever system of laws "incorporates" it.
If you are going to criticize the 1779 court ruling with logical issues, you are going to have to be more specific. I disagree there are any logical flaws, at least not with the section I presented. Let me present my argument, and then criticize it, or the court ruling (or both) as you please. I think the problem may be a misapprehension of what "law" means.
In the case of the court ruling in question, the reason that the US Govt was a corporation despite not having a formal document to support its structure, or that the Monarchies were themselves corporations despite not having the same, is because there was a well defined system of laws (in this case Common Law) that supported the "US Govt's" or indeed, "The Crown's" claims to be a body corporate (a fictional entity defined within a specific system of law). It is the system of laws that recognized the body corporate as a single individual to which legal complaints (suits) could be made in lieu of the Natural Persons behind it.
As an aside, that doesn't mean there can't be separate suits against the Natural Persons that make up the body corporate, this is only about the legal recognition of such a fictional entity.
Any system of laws, other than Natural Law (the limits the Universe itself places upon actions, which are, quite frankly, not known) is a human contrivance. These laws don't have to be formally written down to be "laws." For example, a system of "customs" is a system of laws. In a remedial example, if you "break custom" you can get in trouble by the "village elders." Maybe in such a situation you'll be put on time out, ostracized from the society, or maybe even killed and eaten as an enemy of the state, all in accordance with "custom." It is from custom that our "common law" was originally derived, though it has since been redefined (as a form of fuckery) to be "rulings from the bench."
Formal systems of laws are not required for the creation of a body corporate (in this case a governmental corporation). In the case above, without such a formal system, the "Village Elders" are themselves, as a ruling body, a "governmental corporation" IF AND ONLY IF, grievances against them (legal proceedings, even if they aren't written down) would be placed against the entire body, and not the individuals who committed some action.
For example, if a elder made a ruling, and a villager had a grievance because of that ruling, if the grievance was, according to custom, brought against the entire body of elders rather than the individual who made the judgement, then the "system of elders" is a body corporate according to the system of laws used by the society.
In the broader sense, a governmental corporation is a single entity created by a specific system of Law: custom, common law, maritime law, legislative law, etc., or any combination of law systems that make up the total body of laws that apply (have jurisdiction) in any social situation. This "single entity" legally sits in front of the Natural Person(s) that make the actual decisions. The laws apply to the legal fiction (corporation), and not to the individuals that make it up. Again, OTHER suits could be brought against the individuals, but that doesn't change the legal existence or purpose of the body corporate.
Any and all corporations, no matter their type, are legal fictions. They have no existence outside of whatever framework of law incorporates it (makes it "real," i.e. gives it form). It doesn't matter who the Authority is that "incorporates," it just has to be agreed upon by enough people that "they have the authority" within the systems of laws that apply to incorporate, and it becomes so. That Authority could be a group of Sovereign individuals (in the case of the US Constitution), a single person (Genghis Khan e.g.), a superior ruling body (The Church (a corporate entity) in the case of the post Rome Monarchies), an Aristocratic Republic (in the case of Rome), or a State, which acts as the "Authority" (even though it is itself a corporation) to license an LLC to do business within the State boundaries.
As an example of how an "authority" becomes an Authority, In the case of the US Constitution, The Crown didn't recognize the Authority of the Sovereign Individuals and used force to prove their assertion correct. The Crown lost, so the Sovereign Individuals who made the original proclamation gained Authority by convincing enough people (the rest of the world) that they had it. This recognition of Authority was later made formal with a joint system of laws (Treaty). (I'm pretty sure that's not what really happened, but that's a different discussion.)
Before we get into a very long drawn debate about this, please make your stand clear regarding these questions:
Do you believe there were NO entities at federal or state level when US was founded that was not intended to be a corporate entity?
Do you believe the Constitution was intended to be a constitution for a corporate entity ?
Please note that if your answers involve more than one line for either of these questions or does not clearly answer the question, I am not going to bother replying.
This question is confusing. Too many negatives. Please restate.
All constitutions, as a procedure of law, are intended to create corporate entities. They are the rule set (boundaries) for a legal entity (corporation).
Were there any entities created at the founding that were NOT corporate entities ?
Maybe this will help.
In BLD (page 354, linked above) under the definition of Corporation, there is a sub definition to help distinguish between an aggregate and a sole corporation:
Let's try Legal Entity or Ens legis (page 530):
I can make my case purely from BLD if you wish, just let me know if you need more.
Any entity that is recognized by any system of laws that is not a Natural Person is a corporation within the jurisdiction of that system of laws, by definition.
I suggest you can't understand what I mean by "corporation" (or indeed, what is meant by the word within the framework of law) if you don't address the argument presented above. It pretty much explains it completely, though I'm not sure if I have explained it well. A considered response would help me build a better explanation.
Don't presume to suggest anything before you have answered my question and made your stand clear.
Thank you for injecting this bit of sanity on this topic
Good one. I like that answer.
So any outcome is part of the plan now?
I'm not on board moving goal posts for this "plan" we know nothing of.
Me neither but it's extremely obvious to even the most casual of observers that the states have zero intention of modifying even slightly (let alone overhauling completely) their corrupt election fraud systems.
They aren't getting rid of the machines and mail-in ballots. Therefore the fraud IS GOING TO HAPPEN AGAIN, PERIOD. We all need to get over the silly idea that we'll just VOTE HIM BACK IN, as if elections were fair and honest.
So Trump winning 2024 is a fantasy fairy tale, at this moment anyway. Something for anons to feel warm and fuzzy and hopeful about. Does that mean nothing could suddenly change, or that Trump couldn't somehow beat the odds? Nope. He could.
AZ just got rid of the machines didnt they? And Trump won 2016 when military derigged it for him so if Trump 2024 is part of the plan then it will happen.
But no-one knows the plan. We're just linking puzzle pieces as we go.
Do you not think that much of the election fraud was done on purpose by the good guys/actors? It certainly seems like it had to be this way to me.
No. It happened because the corruption is far more deeply entrenched than any of us knew - maybe even than Trump knew.
These evil freaks have been literally running humankind for thousands of years and they will not give up their power easily.
Most of these people will never wake up. They don't want to and they won't. I know Q said "4-6% lost forever," but I think it's more like 40-60% lost forever.
They really are just like sheep. They are focused only on small immediate things like dinner and tomorrow's work schedule. They will never understand and don't want to understand. All we can do is try to protect them if we can. They will never join our side no matter what we tell them or try to show them.
It's up to us. We cannot wait around and hope these terrible things are "allowed to happen to wake up the masses." If they're not awake now, they never will be. You could show them video of hundreds of children being carried out of tunnels and they would insist it was fake. If you took them there and showed them in person, they would still insist it wasn't what you said it was.
When someone doesn't want to believe, they won't believe no matter what you show them. It's up to us.
I didn't downvote, but answer is no.
All good. I was just curious. Waking up the sheep was always going to be a long process. I don't think we would be this far along if Trump was allowed to win in 2020. Seems like it was done on purpose, however that process worked out.
Considering this budget bill is pushing off the financial collapse into the next term, maybe not.
The plan includes moves for any outcome. The goal posts are not moving. The goal is the dismantling of deep state control, but their remaining ammunition needs to be lured out into the open and defeated.
Goalposts don't move, that's true.
However, justifications do. And I do believe that is a legitimate criticism.
Justifications and legitimate criticism for what? Any conclusions drawn about the plan details and timing are speculation. We can't assume that just because events are not going the way we think they should that the plan is BS or that "nothing is happening."
The only thing we know for certain about the plan is that it includes moves and countermoves to destroy the DS. The WH control the final outcome, but not the individual moves made by the DS. We know nothing about the moves and countermoves of each side until after they happen and our job is to publicize the true meaning behind them based on Q post analysis. In Q post analysis, future proves past. It doesn't predict the future because the timing and actual events aren't determined solely by WH. Only the final outcome will be determined by WH, but the timing of and the events leading there are unknown.
Nothing surprises me anymore
This has been my thought for six months or so. Trump voters so overwhelm the system that it takes a month to add enough votes to overcome the margin. Then the whole world will see what a third-world shithole we've become.
Then we will fix the election system.
Just because people see it dont mean they care enough to fix it.
i will fucking snap if it happens again. I just cant take the gloating after a blatantly stolen election. They'd be burning down cities if it happened to them so egregiously.
I think it's an interesting idea and I have also thought about it.
What would be the benefit to the white hats of letting the dems steal another one?
It would be a major black pill for Trump supporters?
Would it wake up normies? It didn't last time. I think the precipice event to wake them up will be something else. They do not want to wake up.
100% a black pill for a lot of them.
Patriots already has a ton of DeSantis vs Trump infighting.
well they let 2022 midterms get hijacked again. Kari could be cleaning up AZ ready for honest elections in 24 by now.
But nope. For some reason that would be too easy...
Trump is not serving as president. He is serving as the commander of the military during a time of devolution. There is no term limit for that.
Sauce for no term limit?
I believe President Trump said that the 2024 election will not be a normal election. (I could be completely wrong about that, it could have just been a dream).
It could be possible that they know they will not win and they will cancel the election for some reason. Or the fraud could be revealed as being so bad that it cannot be fixed in time for the next election Then the state legislatures would vote for the president bypassing the popular election.
Will that combined with whatever the hell is going on at that point be the tipping point?
Put me down as agreeing.
It seems quite likely that a second blatant election steal will be part of the precipice.
DS crimes have to become painfully obvious in order for the last 30-40% to wake up.
This. I have been thinking the same thing. Precipice is not arriving as fast as I expected. This points me to another election steal. People are still too comfortable. We'll see if that changes in the next 1.5 years. The market hasn't even crashed yet.
Why would it? The market didn’t crash in 2008 until a month before the election. If you wanted maximum effect, things would fall apart hard and fast in mid-late 2024.
Any talk of term limits is an obsolete paradigm, part of the existing corrupt system. The Plan is to end the entire system and to establish a New American Republic. a new game with new rules.
I like this.
Income tax (and its collection agency, the Delaware corporation known as "IRS") has to go bye-bye too. IRS is operating illegally under "COLOR OF LAW" outside the boundaries of Washington, DC.
We need new gold-backed currency, a new set of Constitutional Amendments, and a name change too. I've proposed "The Republic of United States of America" and gotten no opposition, so I guess that's what it shall be. :)
The New Republic will include Canada.
I would rather it include Mexico so we can bomb the cartels off the face of the Earth and build a real wall at their southern border. Plus the Canadian wilderness is a lot harder to tame...Mexico is prime for a few Trump cities
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Trump LOSING the next election would be the greatest wake up call to every American no matter your stance. Now, it will suck. And America would be pretty much done at that point. But man, just to see all looks on people’s faces. That’s priceless right there. I’ve talked about election fraud more than anything else these past two years. And my audience is mostly people who just laugh or stay real quiet. So I always end with “so if Biden wins the next election..”, and they always reply “that will never happen”. I’m sorry fellas, I’m the kinda guy who would play Russian roulette to get a point across. I know that’s wrong. But it’s worth it sometimes. Lord I apologize for my stubbornness and sick sense of humor. But man…that would be epic.
I think absolutely. I mean nobody, NOBODY would believe Biden could beat Trump or even a garden hose at this point. It would be the real true wake up call. Because if we can’t fix our elections…we fix nothing.
Trump has hinted that he might serve more than two terms. I agree he is President now, but he will be President again. He has as much as told us he would.
Also right now no clear whitehat successor is evident to the people, and we are going to need more than just four more years to clear the cabal and their puppets from positions of power and enfluence.
Kari Lake seems like the only real viable patriot atm.
love the 40Kft view thinking here
I’m starting to see this mentioned a lot around here and I’m beginning to believe it’s white hats priming us early for what “may” come.
I’m constantly left thinking the most important thing in this psyop is the welfare of the American people and if that’s true than it seems likely the plan is built around the speed at which the “world” wakes up. There has to be room to slow or sped up the reveal based on public awareness. If white hats find that it’s taking longer to wake folks up than they need aspects within their plan to stretch things out. This is at the upmost importance if white hats believe it’s critical that they not have a mass shock event that could set off a chain of events that causes a public uprising and collapse of the US government. History shows us that a sudden shock event that comes after many years of government abuse can cause a society to flip their shit and become irrational. Out of that you will see mass panic and irrational decision making that rarely ends well or ends in a way that produces an outcome favorable for society, the French Revolution is a prime example. The exception might be the American Revolution and American Civil war, but whole cities were lost in those happenings and if that happened today we are talking about the deaths of 10s of millions, NOT GOOD.
It’s probably true that many of the bad actors we would like to see dragged out in public for a flogging have already been dealt with or are currently fighting charges in court. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out Obama was taken into custody while he was still president. Since those happenings would have set America on fire white hats had to devise a plan that allowed them to deal with those ppl secretly while at the same time unwind the massive web of corruption and slowly awake America/world without triggering society to burn it all down. The point to all my rambling is this might have to go longer than any of us could imagine and that could be due to a whole host of variables with a major one being that ppl aren’t awake enough to roll up the curtains.
This use to piss me off to high Heaven, but that way of thinking is all about my own wants and desires. It failed to weigh in future Americans and what that means for everyone who comes after me. It’s difficult, but we have to suck it up, be grateful for what is happening, what we do have and put our faith in God and our hope in that white hats are able to pull this most insane operation off without setting the world on fire. That last part is what blows my mind. It’s mind blowing that 10s of millions of gun toting patriotic Americans believe what we believe but somehow haven’t gone ham and taken to violence to correct the wrongs. To me, this is proof that the plan is WORKING.
This is of the utmost importance.
Oh shit, I did it again (:
One day I learn how to spell that damn word.
Maybe it wasn't uppermost in your mind? kek
Maybe, but if we have to go through another obvious stolen election and bite our tongues about it I'm going to be majorly upset.
You don't need to be silent about any of the stolen elections. The point of waking up the normies is for them to learn about all of the election fraud and that we are the majority. We may discover that blue cities and states are not blue but suffering from metastatized election fraud. The DS sends out a small number of noisy and militant activists to convince us otherwise.
I certainly try to inform others but they always end up staring at you with a blank face and with a "duuhhhhh durrrr" open mouth.
Their reaction is outside of your control, but you don't need to remain silent. The more they hear it from you and other sources, the more it may creep into their thought process. This is how the DS brainwashing works. They constantly push messaging, so we need to push back. Sadly, ridicule and mockery of the election and its results seems to work even better than facts. Most people tune out explanations of actual election fraud methods, but they may be receptive to short memorable sound bites.
Bite nothing. Speak freely at every opportunity.
Right on fren!
I agree. I was surprised when I realized Trump wasn't going to be POTUS (at least it appears so) after 2020. But I do see the value in things going the way they did. I expect to be surprised again.
I've wondered about this subject as well. I can't claim to say I know what will happen with this election, but 2020 certainly taught me that while we know the general thrust of "The Plan", we have no idea how exactly it's going to play out.
Giant fucking black pill. That will just about do it for me. At this point this is just an emotionally abusive relationship. God’s the only one in control and life’s way too peachy for him to do anything about this.
Minor point: If the Constitution is suspended while Trump is still CIC --> this is technically NOT a second term. Other than that, your theory makes sense to me. Trump has said that he will be back sooner than expected.
He will be a two term President.
My theory: Biden gets most votes in history. 175+ million. Complete obvious fraud. Total system meltdown.
My thought exactly. He's older than I am and, honestly, he doesn't look as healthy as I do. I don't see how any sensible plan can rely on Trump's continuing to be alive and healthy. He could pop his clogs at any minute.
Of course he might have a super body double (or clone, kek) but I wouldn't rely on that, either.
So I agree that, much as we'd love it to be so, Trump can't be a fixed part of The Plan. In fact, maybe there won't be a next president. Maybe the country will be guided by a committee of state members, or similar. True representatives of the people.
I don't hate that idea
I'm sure he'll win, he just won't be allowed to take office.
But I'm a pessimist.
Trump 2024 is a must. It's a reminder for all to do not mess with God. This is a cold revenge for who hijacked the republic and distort reality for the last century. It's the end for the warmongers military industrial complex and puppet politicians. It's the end of the central bank enslavement system. It'll be biblical.
Who knows at this point
i've often said the best way to wake up the sheep is to let Biden win preposterously yet again even after 4 years of hell and chaos, to show even half asleep normies how ridiculous it would be for Biden to win 80m votes again.
Better yet, make him win against DeSantis, and they wont even be able to put it down to Trump being anti elected because of his "toxic image" to undecideds etc. Even Tim Pool would have no defence against that and would be forced to consider fraud etc.
Updoot for Tim Pool!
IF if if if ....but now they have shown us. no more 'iffing'....
Insert Trump 2024 to 4000 presidency .gif
Your Space Marines are ready.
I was thinking the same thing. He might be doing his 2nd term, but will anybody really going to challenge that? Potato is in the white house and he looks good/bad there so no one would be saying Trump is doing 3 terms.
I'm going to have to agree with this unpopular comment. Even if whitehats are in control, if the plan is revealed to us, it is revealed to the enemy... and it probably wouldn't be revealed to them. I would imagine the only thing that would be revealed to the enemy on purpose would be devised to mislead them on purpose. Anyway, you all may know and be correct on what is happening, what will happen, etc. I certainly do not... I'm not certain about any of it, so points 1-6 do apply to ME. =D
tdw energy
Gotta wait for the storm. We'll know when it's here.
I was thinking this, who knows what the end game is? I have no idea anymore.
First election was interfered with second one stolen so maybe he can run two more times...one can hope
That's only one possible explanation for his disappearance.
He is most definitely not. And neither he nor we even WANT the current diarrhea-drama to be on his presidential watch, anyway.
Your overall point is a good one, that everything is probably under some sort of control.