Seattle Children's Groomer Hospital
I work at this Children's hospital in the PNW. Was devastated today when I learned that they are holding drag queen story hours with our patients and their families.
Call me naive, but up until the last two weeks I had believed our staff were working in the best interests of all kids.
I really need prayer fot my next steps. My husband would not be on board with me causing a disruption and losing my job. I am feeling like i need to speak out, but the leadership has basically cut off all forms of dissent and sends us emails about how supportive we are of all the alphabet people.
Consider not leaving. I have a med complex kid who’s in and out of the state children’s hospital. Parents like me, who hate this thing too, need our Christian brothers and sisters to be there for our children. Not some team of woke medical professionals pushing all this stuff down our throats during our entire stay. We depend on you Patriot. For our Patriot families.