But in a residential neighborhood? And Larkspur is a wealthy community in northern california. Seems odd to have such low flying military aircraft in an area like that
Yeah, I don't buy the training explanation. And Twitter disclaimer on the post says it's common practice in advance of presidential visits, which also sounds like malarkey for two ospreys landing in a residential suburb. SUVs and maybe even a helicopter in a pinch, but ospreys? No way.
I once did two weeks active duty training at a recruitment booth at the California State Fair and I was in a BCT (Basic Combat Training unit), not a recruiting unit.
It was fun, see a pretty girl walk by and ask her if she would like to learn to drive a battle tank. Worked pretty often in opening new relationships.
But in a residential neighborhood? And Larkspur is a wealthy community in northern california. Seems odd to have such low flying military aircraft in an area like that
Yeah, I don't buy the training explanation. And Twitter disclaimer on the post says it's common practice in advance of presidential visits, which also sounds like malarkey for two ospreys landing in a residential suburb. SUVs and maybe even a helicopter in a pinch, but ospreys? No way.
I once did two weeks active duty training at a recruitment booth at the California State Fair and I was in a BCT (Basic Combat Training unit), not a recruiting unit.
It was fun, see a pretty girl walk by and ask her if she would like to learn to drive a battle tank. Worked pretty often in opening new relationships.