posted ago by enough_of_the_racism ago by enough_of_the_racism +24 / -1

In determining who the real enemies are, we need to keep in mind what the company’s intention is. The biggest offenders are companies that are trying to normalize trans sexuality to anyone, but especially kids. You’ll see a lot of companies that market to gay populations because they have money to spend and they don’t have the expense of kids. Some companies support gay softball leagues or even gay themed beer signs that you can see every day in any gay bar across the US. And that doesn’t make a company bad. It just means the company is just going where the money is. We’ve correctly targeted companies like Target and Bud Light and cosmetics because they’re out there pushing that transsexuality is normal. It starts in the schools which of course are the worst offenders. Teachers making them use pronouns, asking who they want to be, covering to parents anything that they’re questioning, etc is the gateway drug to tell them that just because they have a dick doesn’t mean they’re a boy or the same for a girl. But then when they walk in to Target and see tuck friendly bathing suits and toddler gay themed shirts or see transsexuals being mainstreamed by a beer company or makeup company is what opens the door to normalization of those mental issues. And I honestly think over 90% of the kids that are “questioning” are only doing so because they’re told they should at school, it’s being sold as “cool” and progressive, and not because they have any actual internal dysphoria.