This is a hard road for me. Primarily because I used to teach how vaccines work. If you dig back in my post history to when the mrna jabs came out, I mentioned backing anyone's choice to get or not get the vaccine, that I was going to get it because I knew how to take my vital measurements, and if something went wrong, I'd just file a claim under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
A couple of kind anons dragged me to the woodshed and helped point me at the fine print that said it wasn't covered. (It was covered under a separate program for countermeasures, not vaccines. Which on its face tells you and me everything we needed to know.)
After my initial shock, followed by anger, I changed my stance to "I'll get the jab when it moves to the VICP program."
Well, it was around this time that I lost a large group of my "friends" because they thought this meant I was anti vaccine. Even "friends" that asked me for advice when this all initially kicked off because of my background in pandemic preparedness.
Cue me learning the phrase "mass formation psychosis."
And of course the only place I could even have a rational fucking conversation on it was the dark corners of the web being here or the chans.
Until two things happened.
Substack held the line
Elon bought twitter.
Now things have finally come to a head, because we've reached a point where the actual anti-vax crowd is showing up to be heard and wants a real debate on everything. Autism, vaccine injuries, SIDS, the whole 9 yards.
And the doctors are running away from the discussion as fast as possible.
Well not all of them.
I just listened to Mario Nawfal's hosted twitter space where several doctors laid out compelling cases for the malfeasance by the medical industry (and even the opposing pro-vaccine voices on it couldn't defend 90% of the decisions made during the pandemic) followed by RFK's tweets, Rogan's tweets, Steve Kirsch's substack, Greenwald's commentary, and yes, Elon chiming in and flat out saying these people know they can't win a debate because they don't have the facts behind them.
What I learned from all this?
- No modern vaccine has any public documentation of double-blind testing for safety.
- No modern vaccine is TESTED FOR SAFETY, ONLY EFFICACY. Since the VICP provided a liability shield, they don't care.
- If anyone cites the Salk study, tell them the current polio vaccine is not the one that was in the Salk study and thus that study is non-relevant, but take the time to ask them to cite the specific parts of it that cover safety in the context of vaccine injuries because the only safety part is a couple of pages of embarrassingly sparse information.
- The Amish don't have autism.
- Autism rates are skyrocketing and not only do we "not know why" but we're invested in not researching it.
- Japan doesn't have a SIDS problem. They also don't have an infant vaccination schedule.
- I don't think I can trust western medicine anymore. Something is fundamentally broken and I don't know the right way of fixing it. But I'm coming around to Nuremberg being part of the solution. I really want to hear some of these fuckers say "I was only following orders" on the stand.
Anyhow, that's my rant of the day, and a thanks to the anons that saved me from getting jabbed.
Oh, as a bonus, when I told my primary physician I wasn't jabbed and why, he too thought it was covered by the VICP. He too was stunned.
One parting shot. The VAERS database is bigger than ever yet the compensation program to date has paid out less than 10 cases in the US for COVID.
S Korea has paid out 10s of thousands of claims.
Oh yeah. The cardio thing. Every single fitness influenter lately is talking about no cardio, dry scooping preworkout, then telling people fresh pressed fruit juice is bad as soda
"Light beer or vodka and soda is healthier than juice"
I will stick to my cardio and pomegranate juice. The real issue with fitness and health today is weight is the only metric people care about.
And those idiot HAES fat activists are making it worse because it is either people killing themselves to be under 10% body fat or killing themselevs being over 40% body fat
Similar thing with cholesterol in that the medical industry draws a hard line as to what is considered healthy cholesterol levels while ignoring each person is different.
Also, similar thing with blood pressure in that unless you are very high hyper tension each person is different based on age, diet, weight, activity, etc.
Apparently, a healthy amount of cholesterol is needed for healthy brain function! What a surprise that the low cholesterol diet was pushed onto the American people around the same time that the IQ started to drop decades ago!
I worked with an underwriter who told me too low cholesterol is a sign of cancer.
True. Low cholesterol is also associated with heart attacks.
However, you can't sell cholesterol-lowering drugs if you don't push for lower and lower cholesterol levels.
And those drugs are the biggest money makers for Big Pharma (although maybe vaccines have recently taken the lead -- much easier to make a fortune if your product is forced on people at the point of a gun).
The link between cholesterol and heart disease is very tenuous, and the statin drugs were proven many years ago to be dangerous, but because so much money is involved, they are still widely prescribed.
I asked my mom why she was still taking them. “The doctor says I should.” Ma, you’re 87 years old, why would you gaf about your cholesterol number?
My mother is 91. The "greatest generation" has complete trust in the medical industry. My mother's 2nd husband had a slipped disc in his neck. It wasn't a major pain for him, but a doctor convinced him to have surgery for it. The surgeon operated by going through his throat to get to the problem area. He ended up getting "cdiff", the virtually unstoppable infection that runs through a lot of medical facilities. He hung on for many months and later died. This was in FL where the medical establishment lobbied to get laws passed to make them virtually exempt from malpractice suits from seniors. They consider anyone over 72? to have no quality of life left, so if a relative sues on behalf of their elderly loved one, the damages are essentially zero. It's disgusting! Because of this law, the surgeons down there convince seniors to have all kinds of risky and unnecessary surgeries.
My Dad takes them. Been trying to get him to stop but he just filters me out and doesn’t listen.
My dad also tunes me out and doesnt take me seriously. However every now and then he'll show me a glimpse of an awakening. Just last week we were watching something, probably a video or podcast I found here and made him watch, and he says out loud "it's almost like the military is the only way to fix all of this". Hope that you can get through to your dad. I know it hurts when it feels like they dont listen to you.
Also they used to push so hard against fat being in foods which is when they started the whole "low-fat" craze which just led to food companies putting sugar and other additives to make up the difference in taste.
Our entire understanding of food and whats healthy has become completely corrupted. Every several years we get some new food fad which ends up causing even more problems. It really doesn't have to be this complicated, folks.
Much like the American Malpractice Association, most fitness industry professionals believe every person’s body reacts the same to every food source.
That simply isn’t true. I need far more protein than my sister in law, and she is totally fine with carbs/a vegetarian diet. I believe the Blood Type diet was written off too quickly by mainstream scientists.
Some people can handle fruit. Others need lower carb to maintain blood sugar balance. No one is the same.
“I believe the Blood Type diet was written off too quickly by mainstream scientists.”
Well, store juices ARE all sugar and not real juice anyhow, so I see the claim there. That no cardio thing started with JOHN CENA. He was all about touting how he does no cardio and has kept the same buff/cut body type for 20 years by simply lifting. Same as the Rock saying he's never taken test/PEDs. They are all charlatans.
FYI, pomegranate juice is almost nothing but sugar. Any fruit juice that is not fresh made is all but worthless due to the processing. States that allow raw fruit juices without pasteurization fair much better, but it is still not a good choice due to high amounts of fructose. Fruit has the fructose bound up in fiber so it does not dump into your system. Fructose is processed in the same pathways in the liver that also process alcohol. This is why high fructose corn syrup is so bad and we have seen an explosion in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cirrhosis. Whether it is fruit juice, sports drinks and vitamin drinks with crystalline fructose, or just HFCS, it is all unbound fructose and it is all bad. Agave is in that same camp and it is almost all fructose.
Pasteurization is one element that needs a long hard look. I think we have gone nutty on sterilizing all our food. Not only do we destroyed all bad organisms, but we are destroying all probiotic organisms. Every round of anti-biotics carpet bombs gut flora. With all the sterile food, you have no source of replacing that flora. Without it, opportunistic bacteria can invade and proliferate within your gut and create a multitude of problems. This may be a source of many of the prolific diseases today. Only recently have some doctors started prescribing probiotics after a round of antibiotics. Fruit and vegetables juices are not as healthy as the whole fruit. There are complimentary compounds within the rinds and peels that helps make nutrients bioavailable. Without it, the body has a hard time incorporating the nutrients. The older I get, the more I think that "grow your own and make your own" is the best way to live. Most importantly, stay out of the western medicine system.
I could not agree more.
Yup! What clinches it for me is regular milk has about a 10 day shelf like, grass fed organic six weeks?
Pomegranate juice single handedly lowered my blood pressure, reduced palpitations, and revived me sexually. That was months before I did any sort of consistent exercise. Pomegranate is kind of different than other juices because fresh pomegranate, you would never eat the rind and would need to eat a lot of arils. A fresh pressed all pom will contain arils and rind, increasing the yield and adding a degree of fiber.
I tried no/low sugar and it did not work for me, at all. And not like just "withdrawal" I gave it about five months and it did not improve anything, if anything it made several things worse.
These are my personal experiences, so not exactly trialed double blind studies or something. But if the entire medical industry, fitness industry, and reddit demonize sugar both added and naturally occuring such as fruit and juice...doesn't it tell you something? I get keto is the big here on this q board but i have a feeling we do not know the truth
Sounds good. I could not tell that you were using the all pom rather than some of the other garbage out there. You are right that it contains more of the compounds associated with pomegranate. As I stated, fresh juice is different from most of the store bought fruit juices available - they are just straight up pasteurized sugar and not the same as consuming real fruit. I am not a big fan of juice extractors either because as you explained about the pom juice you consume, extractors remove all the other parts of the fruit that also contain health benefit including the fiber that slows down absorption of the sugars. However, fresh juicing with organic fruits and veggies still maintains the vitamins and enzymes that are in the plant.
I am glad you found something that works for you. There is research that does show that pomegranate is good for improving cardio vascular health. It sounds like you are tapping into what that research has shown and have the health benefits to prove it. However, greedy people have been capitalizing on that research by selling completely inferior products touting those same benefits while delivering nothing but the sugars.
Make no mistake. All those sugars are bad because it raises insulin levels in the case of glucose, while the excess unbound fructose has to be processed by the liver. Our bodies are not designed to metabolize the amounts of simple carbs that most people consume today. Why do you think animal products are being attacked the way they are? Industry has been the big driver of high carb, low fat, plant based diets. From experience, vegans in my practice were some of the most challenging patients due to their chronic wasting. I am not a fan of the diets that are being shoved at us. Juicing diets have their benefits for the short term for those that have certain conditions - but it is still not an answer for the long term and it still needs to be focused on the veggies and less fruit than what most people have a palate for. Americans especially are addicted to sugar. Nothing can replace a sensible diet that contains many foods - healthy fats, meats, veggies, and fruits - all organic and as unprocessed as possible.
Thanks for sharing. Your clarification about your juice can no doubt be helpful for others here.