There is an Italian oncologist making the claim, I can’t remember his name off hand. His theory seems solid and has been getting results. The medical industry is going after him like gangbusters so he might be over the target. My friend with cancer started taking among other things mistletoe extract “I totally didn’t recommend “ and is getting positive results. It would go along with his theory, mistletoe is a parasitic plant, it makes sense it has compounds that would inhibit other invaders like fungus. The theory is that fungal infection is present in almost all cancer “I did not know that” and cancer presents itself looking white like a fungal infection. But what if cancer is caused or is itself the fungal infection. He theorized that cancer spread is actually spores breaking loose and inhabiting other parts of your body.
There is an Italian oncologist making the claim, I can’t remember his name off hand. His theory seems solid and has been getting results. The medical industry is going after him like gangbusters so he might be over the target. My friend with cancer started taking among other things mistletoe extract “I totally didn’t recommend “ and is getting positive results. It would go along with his theory, mistletoe is a parasitic plant, it makes sense it has compounds that would inhibit other invaders like fungus. The theory is that fungal infection is present in almost all cancer “I did not know that” and cancer presents itself looking white like a fungal infection. But what if cancer is caused or is itself the fungal infection. He theorized that cancer spread is actually spores breaking loose and inhabiting other parts of your body.
Tullio Simoncini
Thank you