There was an officer, an ensign, on the Eisenhower when I was working in nuclear power back in the '80s - I was a lowly third class electrician in #2 plant. This guy and I were like oil and water, I never cared for him and he knew it, and the luck of the draw [plus the lack of qualified electricians] seemed to always put us together on the same watch. He was just like Vindman, only thinner. Fuck, I hated that guy and almost went to captain's mast because of him.
There was an officer, an ensign, on the Eisenhower when I was working in nuclear power back in the '80s - I was a lowly third class electrician in #2 plant. This guy and I were like oil and water, I never cared for him and he knew it, and the luck of the draw [plus the lack of qualified electricians] seemed to always put us together on the same watch. He was just like Vindman, only thinner. Fuck, I hated that guy and almost went to captain's mast because of him.