Good substack by Brian Cates: If they could have stopped Donald Trump and The Great Awakening, they already would have. It's becoming clear they can't
- N C S W I C -
No violent criminal ever gives up willingly. They have to fight until they are cornered and put in chains. Same with the deep state. They must be eliminated, just like they have been trying to eliminate most of us.
A cornered animal is at its most dangerous
They will not go quietly.
True, but they will go, all of them. The question is how?
"Trump should have drained the swamp when he had the chance".
An interesting take that inspires sincere, hopefully helpful, questions/musings.
When was this chance that he refused to take?
What does the Drain the Swamp Phase of Trumps Project MAGA actually mean? What criteria is being used to determine that he failed rather than succeeded spectacularly?
Doesn't Draining a Swamp == lowering water levels enough so what's been hidden is revealed?
Hasn't President Trump revealed not only the DC Swamp but Swamps all over our country and the world; swamps that are interconnected, fed and protected by now revealed swamp monster swamp guardians?
Perhaps conflating Phase One of Trumps MAGA Project, Drain the Swamp/The Great Revealing and Great Awakening with later Phases like the Removal of Exposed Junk and Renovation Phases may interfere with accurate analysis and create vulnerabilities malevolent psyops seek to exploit?
In the Spirit of WWG1WGA best wishes sent and heart felt prayers said for us all.
We would be embroiled in civil war if he had. He would have been impeached, imprisoned and executed. The People would be dying in the streets or in the concentration camps. Lock downs would be continuing and millions dying of 'covid' and all of us forced to take the jab. Blue helmets with Chinese faces underneath would roam our streets 'keeping the Peace'.
The plan REQUIRED the Great Awakening to prevent this from happening. Operation Warp Speed mitigated the death and destruction.
I really dont get how readers here dont understand this.
Nice try, Hillary
Unfortunately it was never going to be that easy…