Funny … certainly all adds up to me now in my 50’s - first the winners write the history books …. And second, just about everything we were taught growing up is lies and propaganda…. Imagine if you would: The history we were taught was the actual ‘Conspiracy’ …… and the ‘Conspiracy’ we always told - was the true History?
Funny … certainly all adds up to me now in my 50’s - first the winners write the history books …. And second, just about everything we were taught growing up is lies and propaganda…. Imagine if you would: The history we were taught was the actual ‘Conspiracy’ …… and the ‘Conspiracy’ we always told - was the true History?
Welcome to my world of the last 25 years.
We need a new class: The History of Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories.
One topic would be on propaganda.