Tell that to a nuclear detonation. If the chemical explosive is like Torpex or Amatol, it will have powdered metal as part of the composition and the metal combustion will be brightly luminous. Ever noticed the exhaust of large solid-propellant rocket motors?
You don't know much about warheads. If it was an anti-tank warhead, it would penetrate. Otherwise, it is an area burst with a spherical distribution (in order to make up for targeting error). Some anti-aircraft warheads produce expanding perimeters or clouds of fragments. Artillery shells make craters, debris in all directions. I've worked with warheads...I don't know why I am arguing this with you.
You don't see an explosion --- you see an impact and debris scattering in one direction.
Tell that to a nuclear detonation. If the chemical explosive is like Torpex or Amatol, it will have powdered metal as part of the composition and the metal combustion will be brightly luminous. Ever noticed the exhaust of large solid-propellant rocket motors?
You don't know much about warheads. If it was an anti-tank warhead, it would penetrate. Otherwise, it is an area burst with a spherical distribution (in order to make up for targeting error). Some anti-aircraft warheads produce expanding perimeters or clouds of fragments. Artillery shells make craters, debris in all directions. I've worked with warheads...I don't know why I am arguing this with you.