getting a judge who will rule on matters of law and not personal bias and party policy is a crap shoot....maybe you get a good draw and maybe you don't
Legal process takes too long....we need to be inside their decision cycle and make them react fast for what they are not prepared for
Well the Supreme Court is as "based" as it's been in a long time, maybe ever. So if you keep appealing you should win eventually. The fact that they struck down college admission discrimination leads me to believe they will do the same with businesses
Why do that when racial discrimination is already illegal? Sue em, take their money by force, then quit.
getting a judge who will rule on matters of law and not personal bias and party policy is a crap shoot....maybe you get a good draw and maybe you don't
Legal process takes too long....we need to be inside their decision cycle and make them react fast for what they are not prepared for
Well the Supreme Court is as "based" as it's been in a long time, maybe ever. So if you keep appealing you should win eventually. The fact that they struck down college admission discrimination leads me to believe they will do the same with businesses
excellent point....tactical vs strategic...expanding to business will be worth the momentary aggravation.
I gotta not allow frustrations to drag me down into the tactical mud pit
If they don't bleed you dry first.
There are lawyers like the Liberty Council who will take cases for free if they think winning would set a positive precedent for the nation