"What was the biggest topic May 30th 2017? That is before the topic became Covfefe of course! The answer is Kathy Griffin and a severed head.
05/30/2017 Kathy Griffin Supports Gore (severed head)
This explains everything. So why does Covfefe = the Kathy Griffin stunt with the severed head? The symbol of Covfefe is Coffee but screwing it up and spilling it on yourself.
This is what Kathy Griffin did as a huge backlash killed her career. There are several other levels to this, but that’s the basic point.
“Despite all the constant negative press” well, that’s normally true, but it’s not negative at that moment in time is it? No, it’s covfefe, distinctly (and for the first time) something separate from the typical MSM scalding. Scalding the ones trying to scald others.
Trump was calling out the collapse of the narrative that had been pushing negativity towards him all year. Coffee had become covfefe. (spilled on self instead of delivered) MSM was suddenly forced to humanize Trump and apologize to him! It was a remarkable change.
We understand now this push is distinctly a symbol of pushing “too far” going over the top. Having someone act like a cartoonish villain so as to force the rest of the media to look like accomplices in it. This means Kathy Griffin, despite how horrible the act looked, was likely cooperating with Trump. So too are many of the personalities going too far now.
So now somebody needs to post a meme of Trump holding Bidens severed head. The lefty nazis can't scream since they kept quiet about Griffins pics.
"What was the biggest topic May 30th 2017? That is before the topic became Covfefe of course! The answer is Kathy Griffin and a severed head.
05/30/2017 Kathy Griffin Supports Gore (severed head)
This explains everything. So why does Covfefe = the Kathy Griffin stunt with the severed head? The symbol of Covfefe is Coffee but screwing it up and spilling it on yourself.
This is what Kathy Griffin did as a huge backlash killed her career. There are several other levels to this, but that’s the basic point.
You can see it in the tweet sequence as well.
“Despite all the constant negative press” well, that’s normally true, but it’s not negative at that moment in time is it? No, it’s covfefe, distinctly (and for the first time) something separate from the typical MSM scalding. Scalding the ones trying to scald others.
Trump was calling out the collapse of the narrative that had been pushing negativity towards him all year. Coffee had become covfefe. (spilled on self instead of delivered) MSM was suddenly forced to humanize Trump and apologize to him! It was a remarkable change.
All of this fits the way coffee is typically used in comms. I go over it in this post. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2022/10/30/coffee-water/
We understand now this push is distinctly a symbol of pushing “too far” going over the top. Having someone act like a cartoonish villain so as to force the rest of the media to look like accomplices in it. This means Kathy Griffin, despite how horrible the act looked, was likely cooperating with Trump. So too are many of the personalities going too far now.
I’m pretty sure both Kathy Griffin and the people behind the “arrest” followed a script. All of it intended to backfire."